Raelynn left the doctor's office in a bit of a haze. She was pregnant. She was pregnant with Sebastian's baby. A swirl of happiness made her smile. Dr. McLean told her to find an OBGYN as soon as possible so that they could take over her care. She would need an ultrasound to determine the due date. He did a rough estimate since she knew when the conception most likely happened. She was most likely looking at a July due date.

Raelynn glanced at her watch. 5:00pm. By the time she would get to Sebastian's apartment, he would mostly likely be home. She had to tell him. She had to tell someone or it was going to burst out of her and who better then the father? As she drove to his apartment, she imagined a million different ways he could react. She prayed that he would be excited. Because the more she thought about it, the more excited she got. She never thought she'd be pregnant at 28. She always thought she would be in her mid-thirties at least because of her career.

She walked into Sebastian's apartment to find him lounging on his recliner flicking through the channels on the tv. He glanced over at her when she walked in. He gave her a sexy smile. He had already gotten changed into a t-shirt and sweatpants, his standard after work-not-going-anywhere attire.

" Hey, baby. What did the doctor say?" Sebastian asked, watching her as she dropped her purse on the counter before walking into the living room.

Raelynn sat on the couch, adjacent from him. " I'm cleared for work."

Sebastian's smiled faded and he groaned. " Dammit! I was hoping you'd never have to work again."

Raelynn snorted. She knew that he was completely serious. Oh wait until he heard the other news. " I also have something else to tell you."

" And what's that?" Sebastian asked curiously, eyebrow lifting.

" I'm uh...I'm pregnant," Raelynn said hesitantly, watching him to gauge his reaction.

Sebastian's mouth dropped open and his eyebrows shot up. He then shook his head in confusion and blinked at her. " Uh, what?" he asked stupidly.

" I've been feeling sick for the past few days and thought it was the flu. They tested me at the doctor's office and it turns out that I'm pregnant," Raelynn explained nervously.

Sebastian frowned. " I thought you were on birth control?"

" I am. But when I was in the hospital I wasn’t able to take it and they also gave me antibiotics. I didn’t even think about it when we had sex that first time after I got home. I was just so use to not having to worry about it that I didn’t even think twice about it."

Sebastian nodded in understanding as he stood up and turned the tv off. Raelynn watched him warily as he walked around to the opposite side of the coffee table and started to pace. One hand went to his hip while the other rubbed his stubbled jaw. She couldn't tell what he was thinking. She prayed he was going to be okay with this. She'd do this on her own if she had to but she really didn't want to. She wanted him to be part of the baby's life and her life.

" Wow," he murmured quietly. " Just...wow," he repeated as if he was in shock, which he probably was.

" I'm sorry, Sebastian. I feel like such an idiot for forgetting something so important," Raelynn sighed.

Sebastian glanced at her, his green eyes gentle and filled with understanding. " Rae...come on, that was the last thing on your mind."

" So you're not upset?" Raelynn asked softly.

Sebastian's brows furrowed and he stopped pacing to send her a hard look. " How could I be upset? You're having my baby. That's..." Sebastian shook his head, closing his eyes for a moment before opening them and staring right at her. "...Shit, Rae. That's just amazing."

A slow smile formed across Raelynn's face. " Really?" she asked, hopefully.

" I mean...I'm in shock. But I'm gonna be a daddy," he grinned wide, his eyes lighting up. " That's fucking insane," he chuckled.

" I was so afraid you weren't going to be happy about this," Raelynn sighed in relief.

Sebastian came around the coffee table and sat down next to her. He took her hand and kissed her palm. " I know it wasn't planned and I hadn't really expected to be a dad any time soon, but I'm happy about it. How do you feel about it?" he asked.

" I'm still in shock, really. But I think once it all sinks in I'll be ecstatic," she smiled.

Sebastian chuckled and kissed her on the lips. Then he hopped up again and started pacing on the other side of the coffee table. " God, I got so much shit running through my head right now," he muttered almost to himself. Then his head snapped up, his eyes locking on hers. " You're not going back to work," he stated firmly.