Sebastian dropped a kiss on the top of her head, his arms wrapping around her to hug her. " You are the most gorgeous woman I've ever laid eyes on, inside and out, and no scars will ever change that," he murmured into her hair.

Raelynn looked up at him, her chin resting on his chest. " Thank you, Sebastian. That means a lot to me."

Sebastian gave her a lopsided grin, dropped a loud kiss on her mouth then let her go. " I gotta get outta here. I'll see you later, sweet cheeks," he said cheerfully as he headed for the door.

Raelynn smiled and shook her head. Damn, she loved him. She never knew any man who could make her feel so good about herself. If he didn't give a shit about her scars, why should she? If he didn't find them ugly, then she shouldn't either. It was just proof that she lived. She was alive and had an amazing man who wanted her no matter what. Could life get any better?

Chapter 13

The next three weeks flew by for Raelynn. She went to physical therapy twice a week and had regained all her strength. She was pretty much back to normal, which she was ecstatic about. She could not wait to get back to work. She had moved out of Sebastian's apartment, much to his disappointment. He had tried to get her to stay, but she missed her house and her own space.

A few days before her doctor’s appointment that would give her the go ahead to go back to work, Raelynn started feeling sick. Her stomach was nauseous most of the day for three days. She was feeling tired and run down. She was thinking that she was coming down with the flu or something since it was November and prime time for the flu. So when she went to the doctors, she told the nurse about her symptoms. They had her give a urine sample for some reason. Raelynn thought it was a little odd but what did she know?

Raelynn sat in one of the rooms waiting for the doctor to see her. The antiseptic smell was making her want to puke. She hadn't really eaten much in the past three days though so she doubted there was anything to actually throw up. There was a knock on the door before it opened and her doctor, Dr. McLean, walked in. He gave her a gentle doctorly smile.

" Hi there, Raelynn. How are you?" he asked as he went and sat on his stool.

Raelynn shrugged from where she sat on the exam table. " Could be better. I think I have the flu or something."

He didn't reply, just gave her a small smile. " Well, you are cleared for work. You have definitely shown that you are back to your full strength."

" Oh man, that's great," Raelynn sighed in relief.

" But I do have other news for you," Dr. McLean said, an odd twinkle in his eye that made Raelynn nervous.

" Okay," She said slowly.

" You don't have the flu, Raelynn. You're pregnant," he said.

Raelynn blinked at him. Surely she hadn’t heard him right. " Excuse me?"

" You're pregnant," he repeated.

Raelynn gaped at him. " What? How? I...I'm on birth control!" she stammered.

Dr. McLean grimaced. " Yeah, I know. When you were in the hospital you weren’t able to take it and they gave you an antibiotic, correct?"

Raelynn gasped, hands flying up to cover her mouth. " Oh no! I completely forgot about that! Shit!"

" Do you know who the father is?" Dr. McLean asked gently.

Raelynn nodded, swallowing hard. " My boyfriend."

The doctor smiled. " Well that's good. At least you won't end up on the Maury show," he said with a wink.

Raelynn was so taken back by his joke that she burst out laughing.

" This doesn’t have to be a bad thing, Raelynn," he said sympathetically.

" I'm not going to be able to work out on the streets as soon as my boss finds out," Raelynn muttered.

" Maybe it's time for you to think about a career change," Dr. McLean suggested softly, patting her thigh.

Raelynn frowned. She didn't want a different career, she wanted the one she had. Goddammit! She was such an idiot! How could she have forgotten that she hadn’t taken her pills while in the hospital? Plus the antibiotics? And what was Sebastian going to say? Would he be happy? They never talked about kids. Jesus! He hadn't even told her that he loved her yet. They've been together for 5 months now and he still hadn’t found the courage to tell her. She was starting to wonder if he would ever tell her. Maybe she was wrong and he really didn't love her. He cared about her - that was a definite - but maybe he didn't love her like she thought.