" Please, Sebastian. I need you," Raelynn whined.

" Dammit," Sebastian cursed under his breath before dropping his pants to the floor and striding over to the bed.

He was already hard as he climbed up onto the bed and covered her with his big body. His mouth landed on hers, kissing her fervently. Raelynn moaned and wrapped her legs around his hips. Sebastian's hand slipped under her shirt to cup her bare breast. His thumb swiping over her nipple. Raelynn gasped against his lips and arched her back, pressing herself more firmly into his big hot hand. Sebastian tore his mouth away and pushed up to his knees. He grabbed the hem of the baby tee she was wearing and went to yank it up but Raelynn stopped him, grabbing his wrists.

" Wait," Raelynn breathed.

Sebastian frowned. " What?"

" Can we leave my shirt on?" Raelynn blushed. The scars she now had on her chest and stomach made her a bit self conscience.

Sebastian's frown deepened. " Why?" he asked, narrowing his eyes at her.

Raelynn hesitated before answering. " I don't...I don't like my scars," she whispered.

Raelynn didn't know how she expected him to react. Angry, maybe? But what she got was something completely different. Sebastian's face softened, his green gaze flashing with understanding. Sebastian leaned down and kissed her tenderly, his hand cupping her face.

" Baby, I am still going to find you sexy, if that's what you're afraid of. I don't give a shit that you have scars. You will forever be beautiful in my eyes. I want your skin on mine. Please, let me take your shirt off," Sebastian whispered sincerely, his eyes searching hers.

Raelynn blinked back tears and slowly released Sebastian's wrists. She nodded, silently giving Sebastian permission to take her shirt off. Sebastian slowly lifted her shirt. Raelynn closed her eyes and lifted her arms. Raelynn kept her eyes closed even after the shirt was gone. She just didn't want to see what was on Sebastian's face. There was no way he could find her sexy with the ugly raised red scars that were on her chest and stomach.

Raelynn choked back a sob when she felt Sebastian's lips on the scar between her breasts. The angry red puckered scar ran the whole length of her sternum. She knew it would fade with time and not be as noticeable, but right now it was super ugly in her opinion. Sebastian pressed light whispering kisses down the length of it before moving down to the one on her stomach that was just right of her navel. As he kissed the scar on her belly, he slid her panties off. Then he kissed his way back up her body.

When he reached her face, he cupped it with both hands and kissed her passionately as he entered her. Raelynn gasped and dug her fingers into his back. Even though he hadn't said anything, Raelynn could feel his love for her. This was not fucking, or sex, it was love making. He was showing her just how much he loved her with every stroke, every kiss, every sweet whisper of how beautiful she was. She'd never seen this side of Sebastian. At least not in bed. They usually went at it hot and heavy. They both liked it fast and a bit rough. But this was tender and slow and filled with emotion.

A few minutes later they were both panting and sated. They cleaned up then Sebastian finished getting ready for work while Raelynn headed into the kitchen to make him some coffee. Sebastian entered the kitchen in a pair of black tactical pants, a dark gray polo with Bill's shop logo on the left side of his chest and black boots. He looked so hot in his work clothes. His gun was most likely tucked in a holster at the small of his back. He was allowed to have it showing at work, but not outside of the shop.

Raelynn handed him a cup of coffee. " Thanks, babe," Sebastian murmured, giving her a peck on the lips.

His green eyes watched her over the lip of his mug as he took a sip of his coffee.

" What?" Raelynn asked, curious as to what he was thinking.

Sebastian shook his head. " Nothing. I just want you to believe me when I tell you that you're beautiful no matter what," he said softly, reaching out to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.

Raelynn smiled softly. " I do believe you," she whispered, slipping her arms around his waist and resting her head on his chest.

" Really?" he asked skeptically.

Raelynn nodded against his chest. " After what we just did in the bedroom? Yes, I believe you," she sighed contently. She really did believe him when he said he didn't care that she had scars. He more then showed her that he was completely serious.