Sebastian helped her into the living room. He made her sit in the recliner, then he pulled the lever so she could prop her feet up. He knew Raelynn hated that she was still so weak. He didn't really care, he liked taking care of her. And he was just so fucking happy that she was out of the hospital. After he got her situated with the tv remote and a bottle of water, he went back down to his truck and grabbed her bags. They had stopped at her house on the way so she could pack up some stuff since she was going to be staying with him for a while. If he had his way, she'd never leave.

" Hey, babe? Are you up for some visitors? Henry and Claire have been asking about you and I know they wanted to see you," Sebastian asked as he walked in the door.

When Raelynn didn't answer, he went over and found her fast asleep. Sebastian smiled. She was exhausted. visitors right now. Sebastian left Raelynn to rest. He took her bags into his bedroom and moved around some of his stuff to fit her things in his drawers and closet. He put all her toiletry stuff in the bathroom then decided that his place needed a good cleaning. He couldn't have a woman living here in his filth. He hadn't been keeping up with his place while Raelynn was in the hospital.

Sebastian started with the bathroom. Once he was finished there, he headed for his bedroom. After putting his dirty clothes in the wash, he stripped his bed and put new sheets and pillow cases on it. Then he dusted and vacuumed in there. Next he went to the kitchen. He cleaned the dishes piled in the sink, cleaned off the counters, the stove and the microwave. Raelynn hadn't budged. So he went about dusting and vacuuming the living room. She slept through it all. He even checked her pulse just to be sure she was okay. She was fine, just tired.

By the time Sebastian was finished, it was around 6pm. He decided to make some dinner. The doctor had said to keep her food light for a first couple days. So Sebastian put together a salad and cooked up the fish he had his mother buy and bring over earlier today before he brought Raelynn home.

Sebastian felt all domesticated and shit. He had cooked for Victoria once. She hadn't liked what he made, so he never cooked for her again. Then when they moved to California, she had hired a cook. Sebastian considered himself a pretty decent cook. Victoria was just really picky about what she ate. Sebastian had learned to cook after moving out of his parents house. He had been tired of eating out all the time and decided to start cooking for himself. Henry loves his chili. He was aactually a bit nervous as to what Raelynn would think of him cooking for her. Would she think it was sweet? Would she think it was too much? And what if she didn't like it? He knew she wouldn't be hiring a cook. Would she want him to cook for her again? Why the hell was he over-thinking this? Raelynn wasn't Victoria. She wasn't picky. She would probably like whatever he made.

Sebastian made her up a plate, then grabbed one of the fold up trays he used when it was just him and he wanted to sit in front of the tv and eat. He set it up next to the recliner and set the plate down. Then he smoothed his hand over Raelynn's hair and called her name to wake her up.

" Rae? Hey...sweet cheeks? Wake up."

Raelynn pulled in a deep breath and stretched her arms and legs out. She slowly blinked her eyes open. She looked up at him and gave him a tired smile. " Hey. How long have I been sleeping?"

" Almost 4 hours," Sebastian smirked.

" Really?!" Raelynn gasped, her eyes widening some. " What a bore! What have you been doing?"

" I cleaned and cooked you dinner," Sebastian said sheepishly.

Raelynn grinned. " Well aren't you just the little homemaker," she teased.

" Shut up," Sebastian scowled and put the recliner upright for her.

He set the tray in front of her and headed back to get her a glass of water.

" Wow, Sebastian. This looks great!" Realynn praised.

" It should. I’m a damn good cook," Sebastian said smugly.

Raelynn giggled, bringing a smile to Sebastian’s face.

He brought her some water, then set up another tray for himself. He made himself a plate then joined Raelynn in the living room. He sat on the couch and pulled his tray closer. Sebastian turned on the news and dug into his food. It turned out really good.

" Yummy. This is fantastic, Sebastian," Raelynn murmured around a mouthful of food.