Sebastian returned just as the doctor was leaving. He smiled at her as he tucked his phone into his back pocket. He looked better, more composed. " What did the doctor say?" he asked as he pulled the chair over next to her bed and sat.

" That as long as I keep improving then I should be able to leave at the end of the week," Raelynn said.

Sebastian's smile widened. " That would be great."

Raelynn nodded in agreement. " He said that I'm going to be out of work for a couple months and I'm going to need to take it easy for the first couple weeks before starting physical therapy."

" Why don't you stay with me the first couple weeks? I can be your servant," Sebastian said with a wink.

" Really?" Raelynn asked, eyebrows raised in surprise.

" Yeah, really. Let me help you," Sebastian said sincerely.

Raelynn nodded. " Okay," she agreed. " As long as I get to watch you walk around naked," she added with a nonchalant shrug.

Sebastian chuckled. " I might be able to help you with that."

Raelynn smiled fondly at him. He was so handsome. This whole thing must have been horrible for Sebastian after everything he’d already been through. She couldn't imagine being in his shoes. They had just gotten back together the night before and the next day he thought she was going to die. Raelynn's eyes teared up just thinking about it.

" Hey," Sebastian said gently, his hand covering hers. " What's wrong?"

" I just...I can't imagine what you've been going through," Raelynn sniffed, swiping the tears from her cheeks.

" It's been rough. That's for sure," Sebastian agreed.

" How did you find out?" Raelynn asked quietly.

" I was at Jared's house apologizing when your mom called Bianna," Sebastian said roughly.

Raelynn nodded. What a nightmare!

" But you're here. You're awake and doing well and that's all I care about," Sebastian said sincerely, giving her hand a squeeze.

Raelynn gave him a soft smile. " Can I have another kiss?"

Sebastian grinned. " Of course you can," he murmured, standing to lean over her to kiss her tenderly on the lips.

When Raelynn's parents showed up Sebastian left to give them some privacy. Her mother Jillian cried and hugged her. Her dad Oliver - or Ollie, as everyone called him - kissed her cheeks for what seemed like a hundred times before letting her go.

" We are so glad you're okay sweetie," Her mother croaked, squeezing the hand that she wouldn't let go.

" We were so afraid you weren't going to make it," her father said gruffly, tears glistening in his eyes.

" Well I did. So everyone can stop crying. You're all killing me with the crying," Raelynn whispered, her own eyes tearing up again.

" Okay okay," Ollie chuckled and patted her leg. " So tell us what the doctor said."

Raelynn told them what the doctor said about her recovery and when she'd possibly be out of the hospital. " Sebastian wants me to stay with him for the first couple weeks. He said he'll be my servant," Raelynn smiled.

Both her parents grinned, their smiles warm and loving.

" You have a good man there, Raelynn. He was here everyday, twice a day. He came here before and after work," Ollie said proudly.

" He took care of you. He wouldn't let the nurses do anything that he was allowed to do. He brushed your hair and your teeth. He washed you and made sure to move your arms and legs to keep your muscles from weakening. He talked to you as if you were awake. I swear Raelynn, if you don't marry that man I'm going to disown you," Jillian said seriously.

Raelynn stared at her in shock. Sebastian did all that for her? He took care of her and went to work everyday? Raelynn’s heart swelled to the point of bursting. The love she felt for him was overwhelming. She knew he was a great guy, but this...this was above and beyond greatness. He was phenomenal. Raelynn was speechless.

Her parents kept talking, but Raelynn wasn't really paying attention. She could only think about the wonderful man that was her boyfriend. He had to love her. There was no way a man who was not in love would take care of her like that. Raelynn smiled to herself. She wouldn't say anything to him because she knew he had to say it on his own terms. But she was sure that she would hear it eventually. That made her ecstatic.

Sebastian helped Raelynn into his apartment. She was still weak and needed to lean on him when she walked any kind of decent distance. And the distance from the elevator to his door was a little too long for her to walk by herself. He offered to carry her but her pride had her turning him down.