The doctor spoke to the family for a good 15-20 minutes. Long enough to make Sebastian antsy. He shifted from side to side and watched the doctor's grim face as he spoke. Sebastian couldn't hear anything that he was saying, but judging from the look on his face, it wasn't good. Sebastian's stomach couldn't take much more. He's been fighting off the nausea since he first found out. Finally the doctor left and Jared headed straight for Sebastian, his face closed off, which made Sebastian worry more.

" What did he say?" Sebastian swallowed hard. He tried to prepare himself for the worst, but he knew nothing would prepare him for loosing Raelynn.

" It doesn't look good Sebastian. The doctor said that she died in surgery twice but they were able to revive her..." Jared murmured, raking a hand down the side of his face. "...They were able to repair the damage the bullets made. The doctor said that the chest wound was pretty bad. The bullet had nicked her heart and she had almost bled out before even getting to the hospital. The stomach wound wasn't too bad and the doctor was able to repair all the damage with no problems. Now their mostly worried about the swelling of her brain. They’re putting her in a medically induced coma to try and get the swelling to go down."

Sebastian scrubbed a hand over his mouth. " Will she be okay?" Sebastian asked, voice trembling.

" Right now it's a waiting game. They plan to keep her in the coma until the swelling in her brain is completely gone. They don’t know how long that will take. He said if she makes it through the first twenty four hours then her chances of surviving greatly increase. They are also worried about infection though."

Sebastian blinked, the tears that had been building up finally falling. " Will I..." Sebastian cleared the emotion from his throat. "...Will I be able to see her?"

Jared sighed. " The doctor said ‘family only’ because they are putting her in intensive care. She's only allowed two visitors at a time. But let me talk to Bianna, if she's okay with it I'll let you go in with her."

" You would do that...for me?" Sebastian asked roughly.

Jared put his hands on Sebastian's shoulders. " I know how much she means to you Sebastian. So yeah, I would do that for you."

" Thank you," Sebastian whispered.

Jared nodded. " I'll be back, let me talk to Bianna."

Sebastian nodded and watched Jared go to his crying wife. Jared rubbed her arms as he talked to her. Sebastian didn't want to get his hopes up because Bianna might say no. Bianna said something to Jared, who replied. Bianna then looked over at Sebastian, her sympathy and understanding clear in her tear filled eyes. She looked back at Jared and nodded. Jared smiled softly and gave her a gentle kiss before heading back over to Sebastian.

" She says it's okay with her," Jared said.

Sebastian nodded. He couldn't even say anything. His throat clogged and tightened as he tried to hold himself together. Sebastian put one hand over his eyes while propping the other on his hip. He tried to take a few deep breaths but nothing seemed to be working. He really didn't want to sob like a fucking baby in front of Raelynn's family. Her parents were here and he hadn't even met them yet. It wasn't really the best time to go introducing himself.

" Jared, I keep seeing you come over here. Who are you talking to?" an elderly female voice asked.

Shit! Sebastian quickly collected himself and dropped his hand to see who had come over. It was an older woman, probably in her eighties. She had the standard old lady hairdo and glasses. She actually looked really great for her age. She was moving well and seemed mentally sharp. Her light blue eyes scanned over Sebastian from behind her large glasses.

" Nana, this is Raelynn's boyfriend Sebastian Beck. Sebastian, this is Nana Eloise Reynolds," Jared introduced.

Nana's eyes lit up and a huge smile made her wrinkled face look years younger. " Oooh, this is the man my little Rae-Rae had been talking about?"

" Yes, this is him," Jared answered.

Nana moved forward, her soft hands grabbing one of his. " Oh my, you're a handsome one aren't you?" Nana Eloise smirked up at him. She was shorter then Raelynn. Sebastian literally towered over her.

Sebastian forced a tight smile. " Thank you, ma'am."

" None of the ma'am stuff now. You'll call me Nana like everyone else," Nana said firmly, patting the hand she held in hers.

" Okay," Sebastian whispered.

Nana frowned up at him. She reached up and cupped his face. " I can see you're upset honey, but my little Rae-Rae is a strong woman and she'll make it through," Nana said gently.