Sebastian nodded. " We talked last night."

" And everything is okay with you two?" Jared asked.

Sebastian smiled. " We're back together if that's what you're asking"

Jared smiled. " Yes, that's what I wanted to know."

Sebastian's smile faded. " So now that I know you two are related, are you still able to be my therapist?"

" If you want me to be." Jared nodded.

" I do."

" Good." Jared smiled again.

A phone rang somewhere in the house, but stopped after two rings. Sebastian was guessing Jared's wife picked it up. Jared had just opened his mouth to say something when he was cut off by a heart-wrenching scream. Both Jared and Sebastian were on their feet and running within seconds. Jared skidded into what looked like an office with Sebastian right on his heels. Jared's wife was sitting on the floor with her head in her hands, sobbing uncontrollably. The phone receiver lay on the floor next to her. Jared grabbed the phone and put it to his ear.

" Hello?...Jillian, slow down, what's going on?..." Jared listened for a moment before his eyes shot up and locked on Sebastian's, his face pale. "...uh huh, what hospital?...Okay, we'll be there as soon as possible...okay, bye Jillian," Jared murmured and hung up the phone before dropping it onto the desk.

Dread twisted Sebastian's gut. What the fuck was going on? Why was Jared looking at him like that? " What is it?" Sebastian asked hoarsely.

" It's Raelynn," Jared said grimly.

Sebastian started shaking his head. " Don't tell me she's dead, Jared" Sebastian choked, tears welling up in his eyes.

" No, she's not. But she's been shot and they’re not sure if she's going to make it," Jared rasped. " We need to get to Jefferson."

Without another word, Sebastian turned and ran out of the house. He jumped into his truck and tore out of the driveway. He was frantic. Every fiber of his being screamed at him to move. He had to get to the hospital. He couldn't loose her. They had just made up. They needed more time together. Sebastian fought the urge to puke his guts up the entire ride. He parked his truck in the hospital garage and ran for the emergency room. He skidded to a halt when a familiar voice called his name.

Sebastian spun to see Raelynn's best friend Nicole. She was in the waiting room, standing with a few other people. Sebastian rushed over to her and grabbed her shoulders. " What's going on?!" he asked frantically.

Nicole gripped his elbows. " They just took her in for surgery. Apparently when she went to the home of the suspected killer, he was there and shot her. She was shot in the chest and stomach. Both bullets went through her vest. They need to repair the damage from the bullets. She also fell down the steps she had been standing on and cracked her skull. Her brain is swollen..."

Sebastian felt his knees go weak and the blood drain out of his face. Nicole must have seen it too because she helped him sit in the chair that was behind him. Sebastian rubbed his suddenly aching chest with the heel of his palm. He swallowed back the bile that rose in his throat. This could not be happening.

" Do they know if she's gonna make it?" he croaked.

Nicole brushed away a tear that slipped from the corner of her eye. " They're not sure," she whispered.

A tortured sound tore out of him before he could stop it. Sebastian shoved his hands into his hair and started to rock slightly in his chair. It was something he always did when he was upset. It use to soothe him when he was a kid but now it was more like a habit. It didn't really help to calm him anymore. What the fuck was he going to do? He couldn't handle loosing another woman he loved. This was going to be the end of him. He couldn't go through another funeral. Oh god, he was going to loose his fucking mind for sure this time.

The waiting room filled up around him with Raelynn's family and co-workers. Sebastian alternated between sitting and pacing. He couldn't stand not knowing what was going on. They've only had one update since Raelynn went into surgery and that was about an hour ago. They were going on two hours now. Jared had handed him a water about a half hour ago without a word. He seemed to know that Sebastian was in no condition to talk. It took one more hour before the surgeon who worked on Raelynn came into the waiting room.

" Where is Raelynn Reynolds' family?" The doctor called.

Raelynn's parents, grandparents, sisters and their husbands rushed over to him. Sebastian hated that he was left out, but he wasn't family. He was her boyfriend and in hospitals that meant jack shit. Sebastian waited, his hands laced together on the top of his head. He was sure his hair was sticking straight up by now.