Sebastian closed his eyes and sighed heavily. " No, but seeing you hugging Jared like that...I just reacted. All my fears came to the surface and took over."

Raelynn nodded and continued to stroke his hair. She missed touching him.

" Jared probably hates me," Sebastian scoffed.

Raelynn smiled. " No, if anything he understands better then I do."

Sebastian snorted. " Yeah, probably." Sebastian opened his eyes and turned his head to look at her, trapping her hand between his head and the couch. " I'm sorry. I acted like a dick."

Raelynn gave him a soft smile. " I'm sorry too for not telling you about Jared sooner."

Sebastian shook his head. " You have nothing to apologize for. I shouldn't have overreacted like I did," he said, placing his hand on her thigh, giving it a little squeeze. " Do you still want to be with me even though I'm a self-conscious, jealous asshole who beats up on your brother-in-law?"

Raelynn chuckled low. " On one condition," Raelynn said, giving him a pointed look.

Sebastian lifted his head. " Anything, you name it," he said seriously.

" I want you to start calling me your girlfriend," Raelynn said.

A slow smile curled Sebastian's sexy lips. " You got it, girlfriend," he murmured then leaned in for a kiss.

Raelynn sighed against his lips. She had missed him so much.

" Can I stay the night?" Sebastian whispered, his lips brushing hers.

" Of course," Raelynn breathed and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Sebastian groaned and pulled her onto his lap. He then showed Raelynn just how great make-up sex really was.

Sebastian woke to Raelynn stroking his cheek and calling his name. Sebastian drug his eyes open to see her leaning over him, dressed in her usual suit for work. Sebastian glanced around the room. It was still dark. He looked over at the clock. 2:00am. Damn, they had just gone to sleep an hour ago.

" I have to go in to work," Raelynn murmured softly.

" You didn't get to sleep much," Sebastian grumbled.

Raelynn gave him a wry smile. " Murderers don't care about how long I've slept."

Sebastian smiled sleepily. " Do they care that it's Saturday?"

" Nope," Raelynn chuckled. " Will you be here when I get back?"

" Depends, I need to apologize to Jared sometime today."

" Okay. Well, I'll call you when I get done to see where you are," Raelynn said.

Sebastian nodded and reached up to cup her face. Raelynn leaned down and kissed him on the lips. He had been a fool to ever think he could go on without her. He wasn't ready to tell her that he loved her yet, but he accepted that he would eventually. Baby steps.

" I'll see you later, sweet cheeks," Sebastian smirked, kissing her one more time.

Raelynn smiled and shook her head. Her smile faded as she looked down at him. " I missed you," she whispered.

Sebastian swallowed hard and nodded. " I missed you too, baby."

After one more kiss, Raelynn left. Sebastian fell back to sleep, snuggled up with Raelynn’s pillow. It smelled like her and he loved how she smelled. He hadn't been able to fall asleep the past few days. His mind had been racing and he hated not having Raelynn in his arms. He'd gotten used to sleeping with her and he had felt completely alone when she wasn't there.

Sebastian woke up around 9am. He got a shower, grabbed some breakfast then headed to Jared's to apologize in person. Jared didn't see patients on the weekends, so Sebastian was going to go knock on his front door. He hoped he was home. When Sebastian pulled into Jared's driveway, the SUV was there, so Sebastian was guessing that Jared was home.

Sebastian walked up the front steps and rang the doorbell. He was actually a bit nervous. He didn't know how Jared would feel about seeing him. Sebastian had pushed him around a little bit. He wouldn't be surprised if Jared didn't want to talk to him. The door opened a minute later, revealing Jared in gym shorts and a t-shirt. Which was weird because Sebastian had only ever seen him in dress pants and shirt and tie.

Jared blinked in surprise. " Sebastian."

" Hey Jared, can I come in?" Sebastian asked.

Jared moved aside and let Sebastian into his house. Sebastian thanked him as he walked by. Jared closed the door behind them.

" How are you?" Jared asked, clapping Sebastian on the back.

Sebastian frowned down at the man, confused by his friendliness. " Better. I came to apologize for the other day. I was way out of line."

Jared smiled and gestured for Sebastian to have a seat on the couch. So he sat on the couch but left his coat on since he wasn't going to stay long. Jared sunk into a plush leather arm chair adjacent to him. " It's fine, Sebastian. I completely understand. I'm guessing you spoke to Raelynn?"