Chapter 11

Raelynn checked her phone. No missed calls. No texts. After the whole coffee shop incident a few days ago, Jared had told Raelynn to give Sebastian some time. He would realize that he overreacted and come to her. But it happened three days ago. How long would it take him? She felt horrible and just sick over the whole thing. She should have tried harder to make him listen. He was so distraught and angry that he wouldn't let her explain that Jared was her brother-in-law.

Every time she thought back to it, she pictured the pure agony on Sebastian's face. She hated that he thought she had been cheating on him. Funny thing was, she wasn't upset with him for thinking that. She understood that he just reacted to what he had seen. She had never given him any reason not to trust her, but she was sure him seeing her hug and kiss another man like that triggered his reaction. That bitch Victoria really did a number on him. Raelynn hadn't realized how bad until the other day.

The time apart made Raelynn realize something else. She was completely in love with him. She missed him terribly. She couldn't stop thinking about him. Her heart hurt for him. She just felt so empty with him gone, like a part of her was missing. How had she not noticed how far she had fallen? She knew that she cared a lot for Sebastian. Love had crossed her mind a couple times but she had ignore it. She hadn't had time to dwell on it. Maybe that was why she hadn't realized. She knew for sure now. She didn't want to go another minute without Sebastian. She would give him one more day and if he still hadn't called her, she was going after him. No way was she going to let him get away.

She laughed to herself and shook her head. She was such a hypocrite. She had nearly walked away from him four months ago because she didn't want a relationship and she hadn't wanted to get attached to him. Now, here she was fighting to keep the one man she had been hell bent on ignoring.

They had never made their relationship official. Sebastian was still insistent on not calling her his girlfriend. Raelynn had thought of herself as his girlfriend though. They had acted like a couple in every other way. They went out together. They stayed overnight at each others places. They had clothes and toiletries at each others houses. They had even traded keys. They were in every way a couple. Yet, Sebastian was still hesitant to label them as such.

Raelynn didn't get home until about 10pm that night. Her heart leapt into her throat when she pulled into her driveway behind Sebastian's truck. Oh God, she hoped he was here to talk and not to get his stuff and give back her key. She was thinking the former because he could have taken his things and left before she got home. She turned off her car and got out. The lights were on in her living room. Sebastian was obviously waiting inside.

Raelynn walked in her front door to find Sebastian sitting on the couch watching TV. He glanced up when she walked in. He looked like shit. His face was scruffier then normal, his hair was a mess and he had dark circles under his eyes - like he hadn't been sleeping. Raelynn's heart broke all over again. She shut the door, dropped her purse and walked over to the couch. She kicked off her shoes before sitting down next to him and pulling her feet up under her butt.

" Hi," Raelynn said softly, watching him.

Man, she had missed him. She ached to touch him, but she didn't know how he would react.

" Hey," he murmured, gazing longingly at her before glancing away.

Raelynn waited. She knew he had to be the one to talk first. Sebastian's green eyes lifted to meet hers. They were still filled with pain. She wanted so bad to take that look out of his eyes. She hated that he was hurting like this.

" What's going on with you and Jared?" Sebastian asked, his voice hoarse. His eyes searched hers.

" Baby, nothing is going on with me and Jared. Jared is my brother-in-law. He's married to my sister, Bianna. I saw him sitting in the coffee shop window and just wanted to say hi," Raelynn answered.

Sebastian frowned in confusion, then looked away as he seemed to think something over. Then he sighed and cursed, dropping his head back onto the couch. " No wonder his wife had looked so familiar. I'm an idiot," he muttered.

" Did you really think I would cheat on you, Sebastian?" Raelynn asked softly, reaching out to brush her fingers through the short hair above his ear.