Sebastian gave her a bland look. " Of course I do."

" I like you too," Raelynn smirked.

Sebastian hummed his satisfaction then pulled her down for a more thorough kiss. " Lets not think about this too hard, okay? Lets just take it one day at a time and enjoy what we have together. There is no need to label it," Sebastian murmured when they separated.

Raelynn nodded slowly as she seemed to think about it. " Okay," she agreed.

Sebastian smiled. Glad that she didn't argue with him about wanting to call them boyfriend/girlfriend or some shit like that. He wanted them to be together, but he wasn't ready to call it a relationship. He wasn't ready to tell her anything other than that he liked her. He wasn't going to drop the guard on his heart either. No matter how much he wanted to be with Raelynn, he was not going to fall for her. He didn't know how long they were going to be together and he wasn't going to worry about that right now. He was going to take it day by day like he said.

" Just promise me one thing?" Sebastian said, really feeling like a pussy for asking what he was about to ask.

" What's that?" Raelynn asked quietly, her blue eyes roaming over his face.

" Promise me you won't be with anyone else while we're together," Sebastian whispered. He couldn't handle her being with other guys while she was with him, even if they weren't officially in a relationship.

Raelynn gave him a tender smile and brushed her fingers through the hair just above his left ear. " I promise as long as you promise the same thing."

Sebastian scrunched his nose in disgust. " Oh, believe me...I promise not to go fucking guys while I'm with you." Raelynn laughed, making him smile. " No...I promise there will be no other women" Sebastian said sincerely, threading his fingers through her silky hair before pulling her down for a kiss.

Chapter 10

Football season was starting and it was the one sport that Quinn actually liked. Mostly because he and his brothers got together for every game. They took turns at each other's places. Sebastian offered to host the first Eagles game of the season. Sebastian and Henry were serious fans but Quinn and Christian could really care less. However, it was a chance to be with their big brothers, so they never missed a get together.

Quinn knocked on Sebastian's door and walked in at the same time. He spotted Sebastian squatting by the open fridge, putting beers in the bottom drawer. There was also a drop-dead gorgeous blonde woman standing at the counter and looked to be making some kind of taco dip. Sweet.

Sebastian looked up and grinned evilly. " Hey, Prince Charming. Have you kissed your frog yet?"

Quinn frowned and thought about what Sebastian just said. When it hit him, Quinn chuckled and shook his head. " You're an asshole."

Sebastian laughed. " Henry told me about the French chick you're working with," he shrugged.

Quinn hummed. He wasn't surprised that Henry told Sebastian. Those two told each other everything.

" Did you seriously just refer to a French chick as a frog?" The blonde asked dryly, eyebrow raised.

Sebastian laughed heartily. A sound that Quinn hadn’t heard in years. Quinn looked at the blonde curiously. She had to be the woman Quinn has heard about from his mother for the past two and a half months. His mother went on and on about the girl who's been making Sebastian so happy. Quinn had yet to meet her though.

" Quinn, this is Raelynn. Raelynn, my younger brother, Quinn," Sebastian introduced as he straightened up.

Raelynn gave him a tight smile and held out her hand over the counter. Quinn moved forward and shook it. " Nice to meet you," she said.

" You too," Quinn said, glancing at Sebastian - who wouldn't meet his eyes.

Was Sebastian uncomfortable about her meeting his family? He hadn't introduced her as his girlfriend. Just Raelynn. What was that about? Were they not dating? From the way his mother talked about them, one would think they were ready to get married. Obviously there was something else going on here. Quinn glanced back at Raelynn to see her frowning slightly at Sebastian's back. Giving Quinn another hint as to what was going on. Sebastian didn't want to be in a relationship but he apparently really liked this girl a lot or she wouldn't be here. And it looked as though Raelynn was hurt that Sebastian didn't acknowledge her as anything more then a friend.

Quinn sighed to himself. This would not turn out well for Sebastian if he didn't man up soon and let this woman know how he feels. Quinn could see that Raelynn was the type of woman who knew she deserved better and wouldn't wait around for a guy who wasn't going to admit that he cared for her. Which was damn respectable in Quinn eyes. Sebastian was a stubborn bastard, so Quinn hoped he realized what he could be loosing before it was too late.