Raelynn gave her a tight smile. " You too, Mrs. Beck," she said and went to wash her hands.

" I don't mean to pry, sweetie...but I couldn't help but notice you and Sebastian arguing a few minutes ago. Is everything okay with you two?" Anne asked, concerned.

Raelynn looked at her through the mirror. Anne Beck was a beautiful older woman. With her shrewd green eyes and coifed white hair. Her perfectly done makeup and crisp white blouse.

" You do know we're not together, right?" Raelynn asked, trying not to sound like a complete bitch.

Anne raised a perfectly arched eyebrow. " Coulda fooled me."

" We haven't spoken to each other in three weeks," Raelynn murmured, dropping her eyes to her hands.

" Ah...so that's why he's been so irritable. He seemed to be doing so well up until about two weeks ago. I couldn't figure out what his problem was and he wouldn't tell me. I did notice that he was constantly checking his phone though," She said thoughtfully. " I'm guessing he'd called you but you haven't called him back?"

Raelynn shrugged, turning off the water. " I don't know how much you know. So I really don't want to say anything," Raelynn said softly.

" Sebastian hasn't told me much. I'm not stupid though, I can see that you've slept together. That much is obvious," Anne said with a smirk.

Raelynn glared at her, then sighed. " Fine, we did. It was only supposed to be a one time thing. We had both agreed on that. Yet, he keeps wanting to see me. I know he doesn't want a relationship. And...I really don't feel comfortable talking about this with you, I'm sorry."

" I understand. But let me just tell you that the little bit of time that you were seeing him, that had been the happiest I've seen him in years. He wasn't even that happy when he was with Victoria. Henry had told me about the night at the club when you two were dancing..." Anne smiled almost wistfully. A little chuckle escaping her. "...Oh! I wish I could have seen it. Henry said he laughed his butt off. Sebastian hasn't been that carefree since before he met Victoria. I hate to talk bad about her because she's dead, but she was no good for him. Always wanted to change him. She was a stuck up bitch and didn't appreciate a good man when she had one," Anne said tightly. She waved a dismissive hand. " Sorry. I'm rambling. I just want my son to be happy. You make him happy, sweetheart. He might not realize it or want to admit it yet, but he cares a lot about you."

Raelynn fought back the tears that stung her eyes. Damn mothers. Why did they always have to do that? Now she felt like shit. She felt like shit for being the cause of Sebastian's sadness. They did get along really well and had had a good time together. Was she making a mistake?

" Oh Raelynn...I didn't mean to upset you dear," Anne said, placing her warm soft hand on Raelynn's arm.

Raelynn shook her head. " I'm fine. I need to go back to my friend," she said, leaving the bathroom without saying goodbye to Mrs. Beck.

Sebastian was in a shit mood for the rest of the night after his little encounter with Raelynn. He couldn't even believe that he had acted the way he did, like a lover scorned. They weren't in any type of relationship. She hadn't returned his phone calls for three weeks, yet he hadn't gotten the hint. Well...more like he hadn't wanted to get the hint. Then he had seen her at the restaurant and a flood of emotions swept over him. His stomach twisted and his heart fluttered at the sight of her. He hadn't thought twice about approaching her. He wanted her to know that he was pissed by how she was acting. He could take being turned down. But he didn't like being blown off. She had been a bitch about it, which pissed him off even more. Yet, he still hoped she called. What a fucking loser!

He had tried to forget about her over the past three weeks. Had even tried picking up another woman. He went to the chick's house, got naked and was in the middle of getting a blow job when he just couldn't take it anymore. All he could think about was Raelynn and how this girl was doing nothing the way Raelynn had. To say the girl was pissed was an understatement. She had been furious when Sebastian stopped her and started pulling on his clothes. He'd rather have her pissed then crying though.

Sebastian had no idea what he was going to do now. What was he going to do if Raelynn didn't call? He couldn't go without sex forever. He just needed more time to forget about her. That was all. He didn't need her. She was nothing but an amazing fuck. At least that's what he kept trying to tell himself. What. A. Fucking. Loser.