A warm breath grazed Raelynn ear, making her shiver. " Why haven't you called me back, Raelynn?" Sebastian's voice murmured as his hands gave her shoulders a gentle squeeze.

Raelynn closed her eyes and cursed under her breath. Of course he would be here. That was her luck. Raelynn turned her head slightly so that she could semi-see him. " I've been busy," she answered.

Sebastian snorted and straightened back up. " Sure you have," he said, obviously not believing her. " Hey. it's Nicole, right?" he said, finally letting go of her shoulders to shake Nicole's hand.

" It is. And you're Sebastian," Nicole replied with a flirtatious smile.

He smiled. " I am," he said, now standing at the side of their table. He turned his attention back to Raelynn. " I was hoping to see you again, you know," he said evenly, but Raelynn could see the anger flash in his eyes.

" This is not a good time for me, Sebastian," Raelynn said quietly, poking at her food.

" Now is not a good time to, what? To talk to me? I can't seem to get a hold of you any other time. You won't answer my calls. So I'm going to say what I have to say while you're here in front of me. We were kinda in the middle of something when you walked out to go to work three weeks ago. You never said that you were never going to talk to me again. I'm a big boy Rae, I can handle being turned down. But I wanna hear it from you - don't just leave me hangin'. I thought we were having a good time. Was I wrong?" he asked, crossing his arms over his chest and waited for her to reply.

Raelynn could hear the irritation and what sounded like hurt, in his voice. She glanced at Nicole to find Nicole frowning at her. She then looked up at Sebastian. " Can't we talk about this later? I mean, I'm in the middle of dinner with my friend," Raelynn huffed.

Sebastian smiled, but it wasn't a nice smile. " Yeah sure. Why don't you call me," he scoffed then turned and walked away without another word.

Raelynn watched him walk through the tables to the other side of the restaurant where he sat down at a table that was occupied by an older woman. Raelynn recognized her. It was his mother, Anne. Sebastian's back was to her and he kept it that way. Raelynn looked back at Nicole. She was shaking her head, looking angry.

" That was really bitchy," Nicole said.

" What? That was really rude of him to come over and start talking about shit like we're not in the middle of a restaurant," Raelynn snapped.

" He wouldn't have had to do that if you would have just called him back. The man obviously wants to keep seeing you. He seems really nice. I don't know why you're being such a bitch to him," Nicole snapped back.

" Call me a bitch one more time and I'm leaving," Raelynn growled, glaring at her best friend.

Nicole glared right back. " Whatever. I just don't understand what your problem with him is." she said, shaking her head some more.

Raelynn glanced over in Sebastian's direction. The problem was that the damn man got under her skin somehow. She couldn't stop thinking about him. The three weeks that she hadn't returned his phone calls were torture. She had almost given in so many times. Just to hear his voice. She didn't even care about the sex. It was him. She cared about him. She cared about how he was doing, mentally and emotionally. She had even checked up on Bill to make sure he was doing okay still. And honestly, she was scared shitless. She could not fall for this guy. He just didn't have it in him to love her back and Raelynn couldn't handle that. She'd been burned before. Loved with all she was and got nothing in return. She couldn't do it again.

Sebastian's back was still to her, his shoulders stiff. His mother glanced at her though, a frown on her face. She looked confused. She didn't look pissed in any way. But just seemed to not understand what was going on. Raelynn didn't know how much Sebastian has told her, so she probably was confused.

" I gotta go to the bathroom," Raelynn muttered, setting her fork down.

She worked her way through the tables towards the bathroom. From the corner of her eye, she saw Sebastian's mom get up. Great. Raelynn walked into the empty bathroom and went to the last stall. She did her thing then exited the stall. Anne walked in at the same time. She gave Raelynn a warm smile.

" Raelynn, it's good to see you again," Anne said sweetly, sincerely.