Quinn heard Peter sigh heavily after he passed. " Quinn," he called. But Quinn kept walking. He couldn't talk to him right now. He'd probably end up telling Peter to go fuck himself and that would not be the best thing for Quinn's career.

Quinn walked into his office. Margot was sitting at her desk, humming as she typed. Quinn stifled a shutter of irritation and sat down at his drafting table. He pulled out the box of fluorescent orange earplugs and took two out. He sighed in relief as Margot's humming ceased to exist after sticking the earplugs in his ears. Henry was a lifesaver. Quinn was going to have to do something to thank him. Quinn smiled and closed his eyes as his body relaxed. God, he loved silence. If that made him a freak, he didn't really care.

Chapter 9

" So what's going on with this Sebastian guy?" Nicole asked then took a sip of her white wine.

Raelynn shrugged. " Nothing," she said as she broke off a piece of bread from the basket in front of them.

Raelynn and Nicole always made it a point to get together and go out for dinner every other week. They took turns picking the restaurant that they would go to. They would sit and drink wine and talk.

Nicole gave her a dry look. " Come on, I want details."

" About what? We slept together and that's it. There's nothing else," Raelynn said, popping another piece of bread in her mouth.

" You slept together? Just once?" Nicole asked.

Raelynn sighed. " Well...that night I went home with him, we did it about 3 times. Then there was one other time."

Nicole studied her for a minute. " When was the last time you saw him?" she asked curiously.

" Three weeks ago," Raelynn answered.

" Have you talked to him at all?" Nicole asked evenly, taking another sip of wine. Raelynn knew she was fishing.

" No, okay? Can we just drop it?" Raelynn huffed.

Nicole frowned. " No, we're not gonna drop it. I wanna know why you're being so stubborn. Has he called you?"

" Yes."

" But you won't call him back?" Nicole asked, confused.

" No. Look, it's complicated," Raelynn sighed.

" What is so complicated about it? He apparently likes you if he's calling you," Nicole said.

" He just wants sex, Nicole. That's why he's calling me. He doesn't want a relationship. He'd been through a lot recently and is only looking for something to take his mind off of everything," Raelynn snapped.

" If that was true then he'd go somewhere else for sex. He wouldn't continue to call you. Men don't chase after women who ignore them if they just want sex. They say fuck her and go find someone else who they know will give it to them," Nicole stated, giving Raelynn a pointed look.

Raelynn stared at her friend. Nicole has dated more men than Raelynn. She wasn't a slut. The men she dated had to wait at least a month or two before they got in her pants. She'd only had a couple one night stands. But if a man didn't meet her standards, she kicked them to the curb. So maybe Nicole was right. Maybe Sebastian did like her. But that didn't mean he wanted anything else from her. He said that himself.

" Even so, he doesn't want more then sex. He's sworn off relationships and love. And honestly, I don't have the time for a relationship anyway," Raelynn said dismissively.

" So why can't you just sleep with him every now and then? Was he good in bed?" Nicole asked, wagging her eyebrows.

Raelynn smiled. She couldn't help it. " The best," Raelynn murmured quietly.

Nicole's eyes widened. " The best you've ever had?!" she squawked, drawing the eyes of other people sitting around them.

" Shhh!" Raelynn hissed. “ Yes. Alright?!”

Nicole chuckled. " So why not keep seeing him and see where it goes. Maybe he'll change his mind on the whole relationship thing."

Raelynn shook her head. " No, I told you I don't have time for a relationship either. I'm too busy with work."

" You need to get un-busy. Work should not be your life," Nicole said, disapprovingly.

Raelynn knew that she worked too much and it kind of took over her life. She didn't see her family or friends as much as she wanted to because work always got in the way. But what could she do? It was her career and she loved what she did. And really, it was all or nothing. The Chief wanted her available, which she was. She was young and single. Perfect detective material.

Their food came - cutting off the conversation - much to Raelynn's relief. They ate in comfortable silence, both enjoying their food. Raelynn was taking a sip of her wine when she saw Nicole's eyes widen on something behind her. Before Raelynn could turn to look, someone stepped up behind her chair and settled their very large hands on her shoulders. Raelynn looked at Nicole for some kind of hint on who it was. But she just sat there with an amused glint in her eyes.