" Quinn?" Margot's voice asked, cutting through his thoughts. Her small warm hand rested on his forearm, setting his skin on fire.

Quinn gasped as his head whipped around to glare at her. " What?" he barked.

Margot frowned. Hurt flashed quickly in her eyes before she covered it up. Now he felt like a dick. " I need your help with something," she explained and placed the paper in her hand in front of him on his drafting table. " I cannot get the dimensions correct for this. Can you help?"

Quinn rubbed his eyes with his forefinger and thumb before glancing down at what she was working on. For the next twenty minutes, Quinn explained what she had been doing wrong and helped her fix it. For the first time since they met, Margot hadn't irritated him. They had worked together to fix the problem. Margot had listened when he spoke and asked intelligent questions.

" Merci," Margot said sweetly when they finished. Her big hazel eyes shimmered as she gazed down at him. Margot wasn’t overly tall but with her standing and Quinn sitting, she was taller.

Quinn just gave her a nod and a tight smile. Feeling weird inside. He was having so many conflicting emotions; fondness, annoyance, desire, aggravation, respect, longing. He couldn't understand how he could want someone sexually but dislike then personally. Okay...he couldn't say he disliked her, he just disliked her habits.

Margot bent down and gave him a peck on the cheek before gliding back over to her desk and taking a seat. Quinn stared at her, unsure of what to do. Quinn did not like people invading his personal space and touching him. But his cheek tingled where her lips met his skin. What would it feel like to actually kiss her, he wondered. She seemed like she would be wild and unrestricted. Quinn wondered if she would enjoy what he enjoyed during sex. She seemed like she would be the kind of woman to try anything. His cock liked the idea too.

Margot's cell phone rang. She answered it and immediately started talking rapidly and animated in French. Quinn groaned, his sexual fantasy shattering. Jesus Christ. Maybe if she was a bit calmer when she talked, she wouldn't be so annoying. Fuck, he couldn't wait for this day to be over.

Quinn got up and left Margot to her phone call. He headed down the hall towards Peter's office. When he reached the open door, Quinn knocked on the frame then shoved his hands in his pockets. Peter looked up and smiled.

" Hey, Quinn. What's up?" Peter asked pleasantly.

" I need to talk to you about Margot," Quinn said seriously.

Peter's smile slipped. He waved Quinn into the office. " Shut the door."

Quinn stepped into the office and shut the door behind him. Peter offered him a seat but Quinn shook his head. He'd rather stand and pace a little bit.

" What's going on?" Peter asked, leaning back in his chair. His eyes followed Quinn as he paced.

Peter was an average looking guy. Too skinny in Quinn opinion. And he looked like a complete nerd with his thick rimmed glasses and bow tie. Peter's glasses looked a bit like Henry's but somehow Henry made his glasses look stylish and classy. Peter...not so much. He looked like the geek he was.

" I want Margot out of my office," Quinn said firmly. He was not taking no for an answer.

" Why?" Peter asked evenly. His eyes narrowed on Quinn and his pacing.

" She's annoying the ever living shit out of me, Peter! You know how I like quiet when I work and I'm getting none of it with her in there," Quinn snapped.

" Quinn, seriously? That's why you want her out of your office? Because she makes too much noise?" Peter said incredulously.

" Yes! You have no idea how irritating she is. She’s always tapping and talking and popping her gum. I'm going to freaking explode if it continues!" Quinn practically shouted, throwing his arms up.

Peter gaped at him as if Quinn had just grown two heads. Probably because Quinn had never raised his voice...ever.

" I'm loosing my fucking mind in there, Peter! I've asked her to be quiet and she just says it's impossible for her to stay still and quiet. I need her out of my office," He said, planting his hands on the desk across from Peter and pinned him with a determined look. " Now."

Peter grimaced and rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably. " Quinn, I'm sorry man...I would move her if I could. I really have no where else to put her and you two are working on the same project. It only seems fitting to have her in your office."

Quinn blinked stupidly at the man. " Excuse me?" he asked dryly.

" All the offices are occupied. There is no where else to put her."