" She's a cop?" Jared asked, frowning slightly.

" Detective," Sebastian said, then remembered. " She actually gave me your number. Raelynn Reynolds?"

Jared blinked, his face blank as he replied. " Ah...yes. I do know Raelynn. Anyway...go on."

Sebastian narrowed his eyes at Jared. There was something the other man wasn't saying but Sebastian decided to let it go. " Right. So as you know, I saw her again when I shot the first guy. Then I was out one night - with my brothers - and she was there with some friends. Actually, a couple of the girls looked kinda like her, so I guess they were her sisters or something. Anyway,

one thing lead to another and I took her back to my place. We ended up doing the nasty three times that night. Which is a first for me. I usually get my rocks off then hit the road."

Did Jared just wince? Nah. Sebastian must have been seeing things. " Okay. So you've seen her since then, I suppose?"

" Yeah...she was there for me when Victoria was was killed," Sebastian said softly. " I was in complete shock. She washed Bill’s blood off my hands then took me home and got me in the shower to wash the rest of it off my legs," he murmured, shaking his head. He had needed her so bad that day and she was there for him. She had no idea how much he appreciated her for that.

" She means a lot to you," Jared stated, his tone soft and understanding.

Sebastian rubbed his forehead. Did she? He didn't know. " I respect her and appreciate her but I can't say that she means anything to me," he said, his throat tightening slightly. Apparently his body thought that was a lie.

Jared gave him a ‘Get real’ look. " Sebastian, it's okay to care about someone. You don't have to be romantically involved to care about a woman."

Sebastian sat silent for a moment, thinking. " She's done a lot for me. She had taken care of me when I was at my worst. She referred me to you so I could get the help I needed. So if I have to say I care about her, then fine...but it's nothing more than that. I could be totally okay with never seeing her again."

" Is that so?" Jared raised a dubious eyebrow.

" Like I said, I don't want a relationship. I refuse to get attached to another woman again. And I am definitely never falling in love and getting married again," Sebastian said firmly.

Jared actually rolled his eyes. " Do I really have to tell you not all women are going to be like your ex? I feel like your mother saying that, cause that would probably be something she would say."

Sebastian snorted. " Probably. But I don't really care. Victoria broke me and I can't be fixed."

" You think you're the first person to get their heart broken, man? Come on. You will heal and you will eventually want more for yourself. It might not be any time soon because your wound is fresh and deep, but never say never."

Sebastian just lifted his lip in disgust and looked away. He was saying never alright. And he wasn't going to change his mind. Not now, not ever. He would never let a woman hurt him again. Women were now for sexual pleasure only. They were not friends, they were not girlfriends, they most definitely were not wives.

Jared must have sensed Sebastian's denial because he changed the subject. They talked for another half hour before Sebastian's hour session ended. Sebastian said bye to Jared then headed out to his truck. He needed to go see Bill. He hadn't been there in a couple days and he wanted to make sure he was still doing well, so Sebastian headed to the hospital.

Quinn was slowly loosing his mind. He could feel it. He was also seriously considering talking to Peter about getting Margot out of his fucking office. She was great at her job, but Quinn could not stand her. She was obnoxious and she was always making some kind of annoying noise while she worked. Whether it be tapping her pencil, or her foot, or humming, or popping gum. Quinn was ready to rip his fucking hair out. No matter how many times he asked her to be quiet, she just couldn't do it.

In her goddamn sexy French accent, she says it is impossible to sit still. He'd never been so conflicted before. On one hand - he found her attractive. So attractive that she had become the new star of his erotic fantasies. On the other hand - he was ready to strangle her. Not that she wasn't a nice person or whatever. She just got on his last nerve with her constant fidgeting.