Sebastian shook it, his hand practically engulfing hers. " I am. Nice to meet you," Sebastian said then gestured to the heavy looking plastic bag in her hand. " Can I carry that for you?"

Bianna smiled brightly. " You're sweet but I can handle it. Jared's waiting for you."

Sebastian nodded. " Okay...if you're sure?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

" I got it." Bianna replied, her pretty smile still on her face. She gave him a wink then headed into the house.

Sebastian racked his brain some more about where he'd seen her before as he walked down the side of the house and into the door that lead to Jared's office. There was a little foyer with a couple chairs. On the opposite wall was another door that lead to Jared's office. It was open, so Sebastian walked up and knocked on the doorframe.

Jared was sitting at his desk looking over some notes. He glanced up and gave Sebastian a small but genuine smile, waving him forward. Sebastian walked in and shut the door. Jared was a good-looking dude. He had short copper colored hair. His eyes were as green as Sebastian's and he was in decent shape for being 41. Jared put down his notes and stood, skirting the desk to shake Sebastian's hand.

" I'm glad you could make it, Sebastian," Jared said. His voice was so soothing. When Sebastian had first heard it he was a little freaked out at how much it affected him.

" Yeah...sorry about earlier. I had a rough day yesterday and decided to drink myself to sleep last night," Sebastian winced.

Jared nodded and motioned to the leather wing backed chair behind Sebastian. " Have a seat."

Sebastian complied, sitting in the comfortable chair and propping his ankle on his knee. Jared grabbed his note book then sat across from him in the chair's twin. " So tell me about yesterday," Jared said.

" It was Victoria's funeral," Sebastian said, raking a hand through his hair.

" How was it?"

" It was a nice funeral I guess. Her parents did everything so..." He trailed off with a shrug.

" And that bothers you," Jared said, more as a statement then a question.

Sebastian huffed. " Well yeah...I guess a little bit...I mean I was married to her for five years. I was there when she died."

Jared nodded. " Did they say anything to you yesterday?"

" Who? Her parents?"

" Yes."

" God no," Sebastian snorted bitterly. " They think I'm the reason she's dead."

Jared frowned and nodded. " How did you feel yesterday - being there?"

Sebastian dropped his foot then leaned forward, elbows on his knees. He scrubbed his face with his hands before dropping them so they hung between his knees. Sebastian sighed. A dull ache took root in his chest.

" I was a mess. Especially when they put her casket into the ground. It was like I got hit with a ton of bricks. I was never going to see her again. I was never going to hear her voice again. I mean...we weren't on good terms and I would have been fine with both of those things had she still been alive. But her being dead makes it all so permanent, you know?"

Jared nodded again.

Sebastian sighed, flopped back into the chair and closed his eyes for a moment. Raelynn had popped into his head. He was hoping that she would call him later when she was done work. He really wanted to see her again despite knowing that it was probably a bad idea. When he looked back at Jared, he found Jared studying him. A hint of an amused smile on his face. Sebastian gave him a curious look.

" What?" Sebastian asked.

" What else is on your mind?" Jared asked with a knowing smirk. That was one thing Sebastian thought was annoying about Jared. The man was way too perceptive.

Sebastian pursed his lips, debating on telling Jared about Raelynn. What the hell, why not? He shrugging internally.

" There is this woman I've been sleeping with..." Sebastian started.

" Just sleeping with? You're not in a relationship?"

" No. No relationship. I don't want one and I don't think she does either. I wouldn't even say we're seeing each other. It's just sex."

" Okay. So what's the problem?" Jared asked curiously, raising one copper eyebrow.

" I just...I'm not sure if there is a problem. I mean...she's the only woman since my divorce that I've slept with multiple times. I feel like I can't get enough of her. I'm just...confused. I don't understand what it is about her that draws me in," Sebastian sighed irritably.

" How long have you known her?" Jared asked.

Sebastian smiled. " Well...I first met her in a bar over a year ago. It was right after my divorce was finalized. She came into the bar where I was hangin’ with my brothers and I couldn't help myself. I went over to her and offered to buy her a drink. She basically told me to get lost. I then noticed she was wearing a badge and I went to touch it. Well...she bent my finger back to my wrist, almost breaking it."