Raelynn looked in the fridge when she heard the shower turn on. Maybe she could make him something to eat to soak up some of that alcohol. She still couldn't believe he drank almost a whole bottle of Jack. He was lucky he didn't need his stomach pumped. Raelynn found bacon and sausage, along with eggs.

Sebastian returned as Raelynn was pouring them each a cup of coffee. The food was still cooking. It smelled fantastic. Sebastian looked a little better now that he was showered. He got dressed in gray sweatpants and a black wifebeater. His face was still scruffy but it looked good on him. His hair was still a mess, only now it was wet. Sebastian sat down at the island. Raelynn pushed his mug in front of him.

" Anything in it?" Raelynn asked.

" No, I need it black right now," Sebastian replied quietly, staring down at his coffee.

" You okay?" Raelynn asked, tilting her head in curiosity.

Sebastian's head bobbed. " Yup."

Raelynn let it go. She knew he wasn't okay. He looked like shit. His eyes were dull, his mouth was tight and his shoulders were tense. He sat in silence drinking his coffee while Raelynn finished cooking. She had a feeling that shower sobered him up a bit and the weight of his problems were back.

Raelynn finished cooking and filled two plates with bacon, sausage and scrambled eggs. She set one plate and a fork in front of Sebastian. Sebastian asked for pepper and ketchup, which Raelynn got for him. She stood across from him at the counter and ate.

" This is really good. Thank you," Sebastian murmured, glancing up at her.

" You're welcome," Raelynn replied with a nod.

Sebastian studied her for a moment before looking back down at his food. " I went to Victoria's funeral yesterday," he said, his voice hesitant. As if he wasn't sure if he should or could talk to her about it.

" Yeah?" Raelynn replied. Not really sure what else to say, but wanting him to go on.

" Have you ever lost someone you were close with?" Sebastian asked, his green eyes locked on hers.

Raelynn put her fork down. " Yes. I lost one of my best friends a few years ago to a drunk driver," she said sadly. It still hurt to think about Gia sometimes. Her, Gia and Nicole had been friends since 1st grade.

" I'm sorry," Sebastian shook his head.

" It's okay," Raelynn said with a soft smile.

" I just...God...nothing prepares you for what its going to feel like to watch someone you loved be put in the ground," Sebastian rasped, raking a hand through his hair. " Every time I close my eyes, all I see is her getting shot. I needed a night of peace or I was going to loose my mind. That's why I drank so much"

Raelynn frowned. She understood now where he was going when he brought it up. Did he think she was judging him for getting trashed by himself last night? " You don't have to explain yourself to me, Sebastian."

Sebastian searched her eyes. " I don't want you to think I'm weak," he frowned and looked away.

Raelynn gaped at him for a moment. " First off - you shouldn't give a shit about what I think. You're doing what you think you need to do to stay sane, so fuck what I think. And second - you are the strongest person I know. Not many people can say they did what you did just to survive," she snapped angrily.

Sebastian blushed. A slow smile softened his face. " Thank you, Raelynn."

" You're welcome," She huffed, picking up her fork and stabbing a piece of sausage.

" Anyone ever tell you you're hot when you're angry?" Sebastian asked, his smile turning into that trademark naughty smirk of his.

Raelynn pointed her fork - sausage and all - at him. " Remember what I said about behaving? I'll leave and make you do the dishes."

Sebastian laughed. Raelynn smiled in return. God, she was getting in too deep. Everything about this man called to her. She wanted to be there for him when he was having trouble. She wanted him to confide in her. She wanted to kiss him and hold him and make love to him. She needed to put some distance between them. Nothing good would come out of staying close.

Chapter 8

Sebastian brought his empty plate to the sink. Raelynn was washing the dishes, bowls and silverware that was in there. Sebastian sidled up behind her, setting the dish on the counter as he nuzzled his face in the side of her neck. He pressed his body against hers and wrapped his arms around her tiny waist. Luckily, she had heels on otherwise he'd be bending over a lot farther to get to her. She was a short little thing. Sebastian sucked in a deep breath through his nose, pulling in her fragrant scent. He loved the way she smelled.