His mother answered on the 2nd ring. " Sebastian? Is everything alright?" she asked, concerned.

" I'm smashed," Sebastian slurred. " I just wanted to tell you something before I pass out."

" Okay honey, what it is?" Anne said gently.

" I've forgiven you. I don't wanna fight with you anymore." Sebastian murmured.

" I don't want to fight with you either, Sebastian," Anne croaked.

" I'm glad you've changed for the better, Mom. I like you much better this way."

" You know something, Sebastian...I like me better this way too," his mom said. He could hear the smile in her voice.

Sebastian smiled and closed his eyes because they were becoming just too damn heavy to keep open. " Love you, Mom. I gotta go."

" I love you too, sweetheart," Anne said softly.

They said goodbye and Sebastian just let the phone drop into his lap. Blackness took over and Sebastian welcomed it.

Raelynn banged for the millionth time on Sebastian's apartment door. She knew his was there. She could hear him snoring on the other side. She hadn't talked to or seen him in a few days and she wanted to make sure he was okay. Plus, Jared had called her and asked her to check on him because he didn't show up for his appointment today and wasn't answering his phone.


Raelynn heard Sebastian groan.


" Sebastian! Open the door!" Raelynn called.

" I'm coming, dammit! Keep your panties on!" He yelled back.

Raelynn heard him grumble something else and then slow, heavy footsteps started towards the door. A moment later the lock clicked and the door opened. Raelynn gasped at Sebastian's disheveled appearance. He was in a pair of wrinkled black dress pants and a rumpled white button down dress shirt. The top two buttons of the shirt were undone and one side of the bottom was untucked. His blonde hair was a mess and his jaw was covered in heavy scruff. His eyes were barely open and he reeked of alcohol.

" Jesus, are you okay?" Raelynn asked, walking in and shutting the door behind her.

" Never fucking better," Sebastian grunted and shuffled over to the brown leather recliner in his living room.

He flopped down into it and pulled the lever back so that his feet were up. He still had his shoes on. He must have gone to his ex-wife's funeral yesterday. Shit. How much had he had to drink last night? Raelynn got her answer when she moved into the living room and saw a practically empty bottle of Jack in the floor next to the recliner.

Raelynn picked up the bottle. " How much was in here when you started?" she asked, holding it up and tilting it slightly as she looked at the little bit left in it.

Sebastian cracked one green eye open to look at her. " It was brand spankin' new, baby," he grinned lazily.

" You're still drunk, aren't you?" Raelynn asked dryly.

" Possibly," Sebastian shrugged and closed his eye. " I could have possibly still been asleep too if you hadn't come bangin' on my fucking door."

" Sebastian, it's 4:30 in the afternoon. I figured you’d be awake," Raelynn replied, rolling her eyes.

" You figured wrong," he pointed out.

" Jared called me. You missed your appointment today. He was worried," Raelynn said.

" Ah, shiiit," Sebastian groaned. " Alright, I'll call him in a few minutes. In the meantime why don't you get naked and come ride me," Sebastian smiled and glanced up at her with his glassy green eyes.

Raelynn barked out a laugh at the out of no where comment. " You're crazy," Raelynn chuckled.

" You already knew that, sweet cheeks," he said with a devilish smirk.

Raelynn shook her head. " Why don't you go get a shower before you stink up your whole apartment"

" Only if you come with me."

" Forget it, Sebastian - not gonna happen."

" You know you want me," Sebastian said, wagging his eyebrows at her.

" Oh my God, I'm leaving," Raelynn groaned and started for the door.

Sebastian laughed. " Aw...don't leave, baby. I was just joking."

Raelynn turned around. " Behave yourself or I'm out of here."

Sebastian pouted and blinked innocently up at her. Raelynn fought not to smile but it wasn't really working. Damn him. Raelynn gave him a bored look before walking into the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. Sebastian chuckled low and put his recliner upright. Raelynn heard him groan as he stood up. Then she heard him shuffling toward the hallway that led to his bathroom.

Raelynn smiled to herself. She liked Sebastian when he was playful like that. But it seemed like he was only like that when he was drunk. She had only known him for about a month and it had been a horrendous month. He had to kill three people in self defense. Buried his ex-wife and was praying that his boss wasn't next. Sebastian was a strong man, that was for sure.