" Ah, shiiiit," Sebastian bit out.

" What?" Raelynn started, sending him a questioning look.

" No condom"

" Oh...well I'm clean and on birth control," Raelynn assured him.

" I'm clean too, I swear," Sebastian promised, stroking the backs of his fingers over her cheek.

Raelynn smiled softly. " I believe you."

Sebastian nodded. They quickly got washed then got out. After drying off, Raelynn put her clothes back on while Sebastian went to grab clothes from his room. Raelynn gathered up his jeans from the bathroom, put them in a trash bag, then put them in the kitchen trashcan. When she was done, she waited for him in his living room. Sebastian emerged from the hallway in a pair of faded jeans and a white polo shirt. He walked over and sat down next to her on the couch.

Raelynn took his hand and held it in both of hers. " I hate to do this to you right now, Sebastian...but you need to tell me what happened."

Sebastian nodded and went through the whole story. Raelynn hadn't realized that the dead woman was his ex-wife. All Raelynn had seen was the blood and dark hair. By the time he was finished his story, he was shaking. Sebastian pulled his hand away...probably so she wouldn't feel it. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees before dropping his head in his hands.

" I'm so sorry, Sebastian," Raelynn murmured.

" I just...I can't believe she's dead," Sebastian rasped. " I spent 8 years of my life with her. I may not have loved her like I used to but I didn't want her to die. It's my fault she's dead..."

" Oh no...don't you dare think like that. She's the one who chose to come and see you. You didn't ask her to come to the shop. You had no idea what was going to happen. There is no way you can blame yourself for her death," Raelynn said, running her hand across the back of his shoulders.

Sebastian shook his head and shoved his hands through his damp blonde hair. He laced his fingers together at the back of his head as he dropped it down to hang between his forearms.

" Do you want me to call your brother?" Raelynn asked gently.

" Yes," Sebastian whispered.

" Okay," Raelynn said and stood.

She paced into the kitchen and pulled out her phone. Pulling up Henry Beck's number, she hit the call button then put the phone to her ear. It rang 4 times before he picked up.

" Hello?" Henry's deep raspy voice answered.

" Henry, this is Detective Reynolds," Raelynn replied.

" Oh, hey Detective. What's going on?” Henry asked lightly.

" Listen, I don't want you to freak out okay?" Raelynn said.

" How do you expect me not to freak out now that you said that?" Henry asked dryly.

" Sorry. I'll just get right to it then...Sebastian was attacked while at work today..."

" Jesus Christ! Is he okay?!" Henry practically shouted into the phone.

" Yes. Physically he's fine. Emotionally...I'm not so sure," she sighed.

" What the hell happened?" Henry asked, sounding worried and angry at the same time.

Raelynn gave him the CliffsNotes version, which had Henry cursing up a storm. He then said he'd be right over and hung up on her. Raelynn went back over to Sebastian and sat down. She didn't know what to do for him. He was rocking slightly. She guessed that was his way of trying to comfort himself.

About a half hour later, Sebastian's door opened and Henry and an older woman walked in. Henry apparently had a key. Raelynn had been rubbing his back when they walked in. She turned and looked over the back of the couch. Henry gave her a tight smile and a nod while the older woman gave her a curious look.

" Thanks Detective," Henry said as she stood and moved to shake his hand.

" No problem," Raelynn nodded.

Henry gave her a grateful look then went to his brother's side, putting an arm around his shoulders. Raelynn turned to the older woman. " Hi, I'm Detective Reynolds," she said, holding out her hand.

The other woman took it and held it in both of hers. " I'm Anne Beck, Sebastian's mother."

" Mrs. Beck, it's very nice to meet you," Raelynn said, genuinely pleased that she was here. Sebastian needed all the support he could get right now.

" You too, dear. My, you are beautiful," she said almost in awe as she looked over Raelynn.

Raelynn blushed. " Thank you, ma'am."

" Please, call me Anne," she said, patting Raelynn's hand.

" Then I insist you call me Raelynn."

" You got it," Anne smiled.

" I'm gonna get out of your hair...let you two spend time with Sebastian," Raelynn said quietly.

Anne nodded and let her hand go. Raelynn started for the door and just as she was about to grab the knob, Sebastian grabbed her arm and swung her around. Her yelp was cut off by his lips crushing hers. She sucked in a sharp breath through her nose and clutched his shirt. He pulled back slowly, littering her mouth with small pecks from corner to corner.