The guy in front of him swung back around...gun raised and pointing at Sebastian's face. " You killed my brother, you motherfucker!" he snarled hatefully.

" And you broke into my brother’s house," Sebastian replied calmly. He now knew that he was talking to Hector Marquez.

" I don't give a fuck! All I fucking care about is making you pay!" Hector yelled. The gun pointed at Sebastian's face shook slightly from the man's anger.

It was now or never. Do or Die. Sebastian was about to kill two more people. Could he do it? He wanted to live, so...yes. Making his decision...Sebastian felt the world slow just like it did the first time. He reached behind him...


Sebastian stood frozen. His gun was still pointed one handed at where the second guy had been standing. He did it. He shot Hector in the head - killing him instantly - then he turned his gun on the second guy, shooting him twice in the chest. Sebastian let go of the breath he'd been holding and lowered his arm.

" Sebastian," Bill's pained plea snapped him back into reality.

" Oh Jesus! Bill!" Sebastian cried, scrambling over the counter to get to him as fast as possible.

Sebastian skidded to a stop and dropped to his knees next to his boss. He dropped his gun to the floor and yanked his shirt over his head. He moved Bill's hands aside and pressed his shirt to the oozing wound. Bill yelped in pain but covered Sebastian's hands with his own, putting more pressure.

Bill looked up at Sebastian with glassy eyes. " That was amazing what you did, Sebastian. I thought you were going to be murdered...right in front of my eyes," he panted, grimacing in pain.

" Shh...don't talk. Save your strength," Sebastian whispered, not trusting his voice.

As the minutes passed, Bill grew paler and paler. Sebastian was now kneeling in Bill’s blood and his hands were covered with it. Bill's breathing became ragged and shallow. Where the fuck were the police?! Bill wasn't going to make it if they didn't hurry the hell up. Bill's hands slowly slipped from Sebastian's. Sebastian's eyes snapped up to look at his boss’ face. Bill’s eyes were closed and his head was hanging to the side.

" Bill?...Bill?!...Bill, wake up!" Sebastian yelled. Bill didn't move and Sebastian couldn't tell if he was breathing or not. He didn't want to move his hands and risk him bleeding out any more then he already was. Fuck! " HELP! SOMEONE HELP ME!" Sebastian screamed at the top of his lungs. He ended with a ragged sob. " Oh Jesus...someone help me...Bill...hang on man, you gotta hang on."

Sebastian rocked back and forth as he sobbed. He cried for Bill and he cried for Victoria. He might not have liked her, but she had been his wife at one time. He had loved her. She may have betrayed him but he didn't want her dead. He didn't want her dead.

Sebastian distantly heard the bell chime and voices filled the air. He heard some shouting and hands roughly grabbed him. They tried to drag him away from Bill, but he fought back. He bellowed and fought against the hands pulling him away. It wasn't until he heard Raelynn's voice yell for whoever had him to let him go - did he stop. Sebastian sat on his ass, hands and pants covered in blood, watching as the paramedics worked on Bill.

An arm slipped gently around his neck while a hand smoothed over his hair. Honeysuckle filled his nose so he knew it was Raelynn touching him. His hands rested on the tops of his thighs, palms up. Raelynn kept stroking his hair, whispering gentle words in his ear. The words didn’t even matter. He was so numb at the moment that nothing mattered. Once the paramedic's got Bill out of there, Raelynn helped him up and took him into the bathroom.

Sebastian stared blankly at his hands as Raelynn scrubbed away the blood. She was silent and tense. He had nothing reassuring to say to her either. He was completely numb. He just let her do whatever she wanted to him. He didn't care. He didn't care about anything at the moment. Once Raelynn got his hands clean, she dried them with a paper towel. She flipped down the toilet seat and guided him down onto it. Raelynn cupped his face and tilted it up towards her. She stood between his legs, her thumbs stroking his cheeks.

" Sebastian?" she asked softly.

" Hmm?" he replied, staring at nothing.

" Can you look at me?" Raelynn asked, ducking her head to put her eyes level with his.

Sebastian blinked slowly before lifting his eyes to hers.

" Are you injured? Is any of this blood yours?" She asked, the worry and fear sharp in her blue eyes.

" No," he swallowed.