" Uh...yeah...probably," Raelynn muttered and opened the door. " Bye."

" Bye," Sebastian replied.

Raelynn slipped out of the truck and headed to her front door. She could feel Sebastian watching her as she went. She stuck her keys in the front door then turned, giving Sebastian a little wave. His return wave was him just lifting his fingers off the steering wheel before backing up and pulling away. Raelynn's headache pounded harder and with a heavy heart she walked into her house, shutting the door and thoughts of Sebastian behind her.

Sebastian had been in a shit mood the rest of the weekend. He was still pissed about how it ended with Raelynn on Saturday morning. He felt like a fool. He totally acted like a woman. Getting pissed when she wanted to leave because he had wanted to spend more time with her. What the fuck was that about? He had wanted to make her breakfast. Jesus Christ! What a pussy! He was better off without her - that way he could grow a pair.

Now it was Monday and Sebastian had spent the day back in the shop, working by himself. It took his mind off her. Sebastian heard the bell to the front door chime and glanced at the clock. It was 7:30pm. The showroom was open until 8pm on Monday’s. Then the phone on the wall beeped and Bill's voice filled the shop.

" Hey Sebastian, can you go see who that is? I'm busy at the moment," he said.

" Yeah sure," Sebastian said, quickly getting up and washing his hands.

He opened the door to the showroom and bit back a curse. Victoria. Again. Sebastian moved behind the counter and walked down to where she was standing in front of it. She watched him, her expression sad. Sebastian felt nothing but contempt for her.

" What is it, Victoria?" Sebastian snapped.

" Please, Sebastian...can we just talk?" Victoria pleaded.

" I told you before, there is nothing to talk about." Sebastian replied coldly.

" I made a mistake, Sebastian. I realize that now," Victoria said, her eyes wide.

" Did Julian leave you?" Sebastian asked.

Victoria flinched. " Yes, but that has nothing..."

" It has everything to do with it. You don't want to be alone. Well, don't come crawling back to me. We're divorced. Done. Never again will I want to be with you. You broke my heart once, Victoria. You damn well better believe that I won't let that happen again," Sebastian said bitterly.

" You won't give me a second chance?" Victoria asked quietly.

" Nope. So you might as well go back to California," Sebastian said.

Victoria closed her eyes and the tears started down her face. Sebastian could care less.

The bell chimed as the shop door opened. Sebastian could see a couple guys walk in out of his peripheral. He didn't think anything of it really, but he tore his eyes away from Victoria and glanced at the two men. They were both Hispanic and the hair on the back of his neck stood up. Dread twisted his gut. The first guy was only a foot away from Victoria by the time Sebastian realized he had a gun in his hand. Before Sebastian could do or say anything, the man lifted his arm and pulled the trigger.

Sebastian shouted in horror as Victoria dropped to the ground...dead...from a bullet to the temple. He flicked his eyes up to the man who just murdered his ex-wife. The man’s dark eyes were cold, hard and dead. He had no qualms about killing people - that much was clear. Sebastian’s heart stuttered when he heard Bill's office door open. His stomach rolled violently when he saw Bill rushing down the hall toward them.

" What the hell was that?!" Bill shouted then stopped dead when he spotted Victoria lying on the floor in a pool of blood.

The guy in front of Sebastian turned and pointed his gun at Bill while the older man wasn’t paying attention.

" NO!" Sebastian screamed, throwing out a useless hand in Bill’s direction just as the guy pulled the trigger.

Bill stumbled back clutching his lower stomach. He bumped into the shelves behind him, bringing down everything on them as he sunk to the floor. Bill’s eyes were wide and his mouth was open in shock. He blinked at Sebastian in confusion. It took everything Sebastian had not to throw up right then and there. Sebastian did at least have enough sense to hit the silent alarm button while the guys backs were turned. It was under the counter right next to him, thank god.

Sebastian took a couple deep breaths. He needed to focus. He needed to think. He needed to get out of this alive. For Bill, for his brothers, for his parents and his nephews. Sebastian had his gun in a holster at the small of his back. His shirt was tucked in in the back so there was nothing obstructing him from getting to it fast. But could he draw it fast enough to pop the guy in front of him and the second guy, who was standing closer to the door? The second guy would have plenty of time to raise his weapon and fire if Sebastian took out the first guy.