They both ended up falling to sleep for a little while before Sebastian woke and wanted Raelynn again. They ended up having sex 3 times during the night, with sleep in between. Sebastian just couldn't get enough of her. Of her kisses, her body, the noises she made. He wanted to keep her in his bed for the rest of the weekend. Since his divorce, he's never slept with a woman more then once. He was not going to let any woman get attached to him. And he refused to get attached to anyone. He was just keeping Raelynn for the night because she blew his mind. He wouldn't be spending another night with her.

Chapter 5

Raelynn woke with a pounding headache. She blinked open her eyes and found herself staring up at an unfamiliar ceiling fan. Huh? Raelynn sat up and looked around the very masculine bedroom. Oh God, what did she do? She glanced down to find that she was naked. Raelynn gasped and yanked the sheet up and clutched it to her chest. She pressed her hand to her throbbing forehead and tried to think. That's when she realized that someone was sleeping next to her.

Raelynn slowly looked over to see a very naked Sebastian sleeping on his back. The sheet came up between his spread legs to barely cover his visibly hard cock that was laying across his hip. His arms were thrown over his head and his face was turned towards her. His full, masculine lips were parted slightly. He looked incredibly handsome asleep in the morning light. Raelynn closed her eyes and parts of the night flashed through her mind. Sebastian's chiseled chest heaving - his head thrown back after he came the first time. Raelynn licking the gun tattoos on his hips. Raelynn riding him while he held her hair, forcing her to arch back. Sebastian's head between her legs.

" Oh Jesus," Raelynn breathed, raking a hand through her tangled hair.

Raelynn scooted off the bed and pulled on her thong and bra. She had just picked up her dress when Sebastian wrapped an arm around her waist and yanked her back onto the bed. Raelynn let out a startled scream.

" Where do you think you're going?" Sebastian drawled, his voice gravelly from sleep. He nuzzled the back of her neck.

" I have to go. This was a big mistake," Raelynn said tightly, pushing his arm away and got back off the bed.

She stepped far enough away from the bed that he couldn't grab her again. She pulled her dress on then risked a glance in his direction. Sebastian was laying on his side - facing her - leaning on his elbow. Luckily, he had pulled the sheet up to cover himself.

He was frowning at her. " Should we have done it? Probably not. But it wasn't a mistake," he said with a shrug.

" I could get in serious trouble at work," Raelynn snapped.

" So don't tell anyone. I wasn't going to rat you out," Sebastian replied.

" Plenty of people saw us leave the club together last night," Raelynn argued, bending over to slip one foot into her shoe.

Sebastian rolled his eyes. " Haven't you ever heard of lying? You say you didn't feel good and I wanted to make sure you got home okay."

Raelynn glared at him. Which he apparently found funny because he smirked.

" Whatever. I have to go," Raelynn huffed and started out of the room.

" Wait a sec! I'll drive you!" Sebastian called after her.

Raelynn heard him thumping around in his room. He came running out a minute later in gym shorts and a t-shirt. He carried his sneakers under his arm.

" I really don't need you to drive me. I'll call a cab," Raelynn said, grabbing her purse off the floor by the front door.

" Oh come on, don't be like that. It's silly to catch a cab when I can give you a ride," Sebastian huffed as he dropped his sneakers and shoved his feet into them without socks.

" You know this can never happen again, Sebastian. It was a one time lets just end it here. I'll call a cab," Raelynn said firmly and reached for the door.

Sebastian grabbed her arm and spun her around. His looked angry as he glared down at her.

" Don't act like you didn't enjoy being with me last night. I never said I wanted anything more from you. You don't need to call a cab. I will drive you home," he snapped, letting her go so abruptly that she stumbled.

Raelynn frowned as he turned his back to snatch his keys off the kitchen counter. What the hell was he pissed about? Yeah...okay...that was the best sex she'd ever had. Ever. And she seriously doubted that anyone would ever come close to that ever again.