Quinn stared at him in astonishment. He knew on the outside he looked calm and collected as he shook his boss's hand. On the inside - he was jumping for joy. He has waited his whole career to be head architect for such a huge project. The room exploded into cheers and clapping. Quinn gave his usual closed mouth smile as heat rush up his cheeks.

" Congratulations Quinn. You've earned it," Peter gushed, patting him on the shoulder.

" Thanks, Peter." Quinn said gratefully.

" Alright, that's all folks. Back to work!" Peter called to the crowd.

Everyone started filing out of the room. Quinn turned to leave but Peter stopped him. " Hang on a second Quinn," he said.

Quinn turned around, eyebrow raised in question. Peter led Margot by a hand on the small of her back towards Quinn. " Margot, this is our top architect, Quinn Beck."

Margot smiled brightly and shook Quinn's hand. " It is a pleasure, Mr. Beck," she said, her accent making everything she said sound sensual.

" Ms. Leclair," Quinn murmured, unable to take his eyes off her beautiful face.

" We sound silly being so formal, non? Please call me Margot," she smiled, a small flush creeping up her delicate cheeks.

" Quinn," he replied.

" Qui", she agreed with a single nod.

" Quinn, I want Margot to be your second in command. I think she could help you a lot with this project," Peter suggested.

Quinn glanced at Peter, who nodded hopefully. " Sure Peter. Absolutely."

Peter seemed to let out a breath he had been holding. " Great! Why don't you show Margot around the office and then possibly get started on some ideas," Peter said then quickly turned and left before Quinn could reply. Bastard.

Quinn looked back at Margot. She was practically bouncing with joy. She clapped her hands together. " We will work great together. I promise!" she gushed.

Quinn wasn't so sure he could handle all her bubbliness. She had way too much energy for him. He had always liked the timid mousey girls that kept to themselves. He wasn't much for the outgoing types. And he had low tolerance for being around people like that too. And Margot - she was very outgoing. He could tell. He had a feeling she was going to get on his nerves. No matter how gorgeous she was.

" I can't believe I let you talk me into this," Raelynn grumbled as she walked with her sisters, Bianna and Elise, and her best friend Nicole.

" Oh shut up! We're gonna have fun. You need a night out," Nicole chuckled, bumping Raelynn with her hip.

Nicole was the complete opposite of Raelynn when it came to their looks. Nicole had dark brown hair and a bob cut. Her eyes were such a dark brown they almost looked black. And her skin was more of an olive tone. She was super pretty. Oh! And she was 5’8 without heels on. Lucky bitch.

" Yeah, I'm tired of seeing you in suits all the time," Elise said with a pointed look.

" I have to look professional for work," Raelynn argued defensively.

" And you always work. You need a night out," Bianna said. Both Bianna and Elise were older then her. Raelynn was the baby in the family.

" I sometimes forget how beautiful you are. You’re always wearing your hair in that horrible bun all the time." This coming from Nicole as she brushed Raelynn’s loose hair over her shoulder.

" I need to keep it out of my face when I work," Raelynn huffed.

All three woman rolled their eyes. Luckily, they reached the door of the club and the conversation was dropped. They walked in, showed their ID's and paid the cover charge. The music was thumping - the base so loud that Raelynn could feel it in her chest. The women in the place were scantily clad and looking mostly like a bunch of sluts. There were a lot of hot guys though. From what Raelynn could see anyway.

The four of them found a table and sat. A waitress showed up a few minutes later to take their drink orders. Raelynn ordered a Long Island Iced tea. She decided that she did need to relax a bit. And she needed to get her mind off of a certain someone. She had been having a hard time getting that heartbroken expression that was on his face the last time she saw him out of her mind. It’s been a week since that day at Bill’s and she still couldn’t shake it.

Raelynn was on her second drink and feeling pretty damn good when Nicole slapped her arm.

" Look at that table of hottie's over by the dance floor. I say we go do a little dancing in front of them to get their attention," she giggled as she motioned toward a table on the other side of the dance floor.