Bill nodded solemnly. " I understand. My first wife left me after 15 years together. Said she was just bored with me and didn't love me anymore. I was crushed. We had three kids together too. But I picked myself back up, fell in love and got married again. I’ve been happily married ever since. It will take time, but you will heal. You will find love again."

Sebastian shook his head. " I can't go through this again. I won't. I refuse to let another woman hurt me," he rasped.

Bill nodded and wrapped an arm around Sebastian's shoulders. " Okay," he said and led Sebastian back inside.

Sebastian was glad that he just let it go. He knew Bill didn't agree with him, but he needed for Bill not to argue with him. Which was what he was doing. He was letting Sebastian think what he wanted to think. Sebastian was grateful for that. Because as of right now, he couldn't see ever falling in love again. He didn't even think he could let a woman get that close where it could become a possibility. He was better off alone, where he couldn't get hurt again.

Chapter 4

" Quinn?" Peter Anderson's voice said from the doorway of Quinn's large high rise office.

Quinn looked up from his drafting table. He raised an eyebrow at Peter - his boss and good friend - and waited for him to continue.

" She's here. Conference room 2," Peter said and jerked his head for Quinn to follow.

Quinn laid down his pencil and turned off the desk light before smoothing down his tie and following his boss out of his office and down the hall. Quinn was an architect. He designed or helped design many of the newer buildings in the Philadelphia and surrounding areas. He loved what he did. It was a mostly solitary job where he could work by himself in silence. He liked working in silence. No music, no talking, no noises to disrupt his train of thought. Quinn wasn't much of a socializer. He had a few close friends and that was about it. He wasn't a partier - never had been. He was quiet and liked to keep to himself.

His boss Peter was one of the few close friends. They had known each other for years. Quinn had started working for Peter's company about 5 years ago and they had become friends right off the bat. Peter had just understood Quinn. Understood his quiet, stoic demeanor and never forced him to do anything he didn't feel comfortable doing. Quinn had always appreciated that.

Peter was bringing a new architect/interior designer into the company. She was from Paris, France. And had just moved to the U.S. in hopes of broadening her skills and her career. Peter had scooped her right up. Apparently, she was amazing at what she did.

As they got closer to the conference room, Quinn could see everyone who worked there either already inside the room or walking in. Peter liked to do big introductions when someone new started working for him. He had done it to Quinn, making him turn 50 shades of red. Quinn was not one who liked to be center of attention. Ever.

They entered the room filled with at least 20 people. Quinn had tried to stay towards the back but Peter grabbed his arm and yanked him up front with him. What the hell?! He didn’t want to be up front! Peter got everyone quieted down before he started his little speech.

" Okay everyone. I have been going on and on for weeks now about the new addition to our team. It is with great pleasure to introduce to you Ms. Margot Leclair!" Peter exclaimed then started clapping as a beautiful brunette stood up from where she had been seated at the head of the conference table.

The stunning woman smiled brightly, waved and blew kisses like she was freaking Miss America. Quinn couldn't stop the smirk that curled one side of his mouth. She wasn't embarrassed one bit. Quite the opposite, really. She seemed excited and basked in the attention.

And good lord was she beautiful. Her long dark hair was down and loosely curled. It hung down to the middle of her back. Her eyes were a greenish hazel. She had a cute little nose and sexy bow shaped lips. She was dressed somewhat conservatively but that couldn't hide her incredible figure. Quinn was seriously attracted to her. Which he was surprised by because he wasn't normally attracted to brunettes. He usually gravitated towards lighter hair.

" Merci! I am so happy to be here! I can not wait to work with everyone!" Margot chirped happily with a thick french accent. Quinn was instantly in love with her accent. It was sexy as hell.

" I also have some other big news," Peter said. " We got the Trump Hotel and Casino contract! They specifically requested Quinn Beck as the head architect on the project," Peter beamed, turning to look at him.