" Wanna watch a movie or something since I'm here?" Quinn asked. He was hoping to get Sebastian's mind off everything for a little while.

Sebastian shrugged. " Yeah, sure."

So Quinn and Sebastian headed into the living room. Sebastian pulled up his On-Demand and they picked out a movie to watch. Quinn sat at one end of the couch while Sebastian lounged at the other end. Quinn smiled to himself. He liked hanging out with Sebastian. He didn't do it often enough. He was glad that his brother felt comfortable enough with him to open up a little. He hadn't expected it. Quinn loves all his brothers to death. He has always been a little jealous of the close relationship Henry and Sebastian have though. He always wanted to be a part of their little click. Maybe this was a start.

Chapter 3

Raelynn walked down the corridor of the 3rd floor of the apartment building. She glanced at the numbers on the doors, stopping at number 34A. Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves she lifted her fist and knocked on the plain brown door. She had no idea why she was nervous but just the thought of seeing who she came to see put butterflies in her stomach. She glanced at her watch. 9am. It wasn't super early, so she hoped that she wouldn't be waking him up.

The lock clicked and the door swung open. Raelynn's breath caught at the stunning sight in front of her. Sebastian Beck stood in the doorway in nothing but a pair of sweatpants that were slung low on his lean hips. So low that there was no way he was wearing underwear. His upper body was bare, showing off his impressive physique and tattoos. His green eyes looked tired and his blonde hair was mussed. His face was covered in a couple days worth of stubble. He looked rugged and handsome and panty-dropping hot.

" I hope I didn't wake you," Raelynn managed when she finally found her voice.

Sebastian covered up a yawn with the back of his hand as he shook his head. " Nah, I just got up before you knocked," he said, his voice lower then normal from sleep, sending shivers down her spine.

Dammit! Why did he have to be so freaking attractive?! Sebastian moved aside and waved her in. She entered his surprisingly neat apartment and let him shut the door. He shuffled into the kitchen and started setting up the coffee maker. Raelynn couldn't help but check out his very fine rear end. Raelynn had always loved sweatpants on a man.

" You want some coffee?" Sebastian asked without turning around.

" Yeah sure," Raelynn answered, moving to sit on one of the stools that was set up at the island counter.

Sebastian opened the cabinet in front of him and pulled down two mugs. " So what brings you by?" he asked, turning and placing both mugs on the counter in front of her.

Raelynn sighed. " We've found out the identity of the second man - the one who got away."

Sebastian froze. His broad back was to her since he had turned back toward the other coffee maker. He had a large tattoo of a hooded man with only his mouth showing. An evil, malicious grin curled the lips of the man. His arms crossed over his chest, a gun in each hand. The tattoo covered pretty much his entire back and it was incredibly detailed. Raelynn wondered how long it took to complete. Sebastian turned his head to the side, giving her his profile. His hands were flattened on the counter top in front of him. And she could practically see the tension coiling his body tighter and tighter.

" And?" Sebastian prompted.

" His name is Hector Marquez. He's got a rap sheet a mile long. Has been in and out of jail since the age of 13 and you killed his brother Renaldo," Raelynn said.

Sebastian bit out a nasty curse and hung his head.

" Exactly. You could be in serious danger Sebastian. If and when Hector heals from his wounds, he'll most likely come after you to avenge his brother," Raelynn said, watching Sebastian's tattooed back and wondering what he was thinking.

The coffee pot beeped, signaling that the coffee was done. Sebastian grabbed the carafe, turned and filled both mugs with coffee. His jaw was tight and his eyes were downcast, watching what he was doing. Once the mugs were filled, he put the carafe back and brought over the sugar bowl and two spoons. Then he grabbed the creamer from the fridge and set it on the counter with the sugar. Without a word, he put two spoonfuls of sugar and a splash of creamer in his mug and stirred.

" I think it would be in your best interest to go into the witness protection program until we can find Hector," Raelynn suggested as she fixed her coffee the way she liked - one sugar and a dash of creamer.