Henry growled as he banged on his keyboard. His stupid computer was acting up again. He went to rake his hand through his hair but stopped himself. He didn't want to mess his hair up. Claire had styled it this morning and he really liked what she did. Henry dropped his hand and shoved out of his chair. He paced over to the window, hands on his hips. He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths to try and calm himself. He always got so irritated when it came to computer stuff.

Henry glanced over his shoulder when he heard his office door open and close. Claire walked in, a small smile on her face. She sauntered over to him in her ridiculously high heals that brought her almost eye level with him. Damn, she looked sexy. Henry fought the erection that threatened to tent his pants.

" Hey", He said as she came up next to him.

" Hey baby, what's wrong?", She asked, cocking her head in curiosity.

" My computer is being a dick", Henry snarled.

Claire chuckled and started over to his desk, " Let me see if I can fix it"

Claire went over and bent over his desk. She placed her hand on the mouse and started clicking. Henry couldn't help himself, he sidled up behind her, sliding his hands over her hips. He pressed his ever growing erection against her bottom and groaned low in his throat. Claire glanced over her shoulder, eyebrow raised.

" I swear Mr. Beck, you are insatiable, you already got some this morning", Claire murmured.

Henry leaned over her and nipped at her exposed neck, " I will never get enough of you", he rasped. Henry slid his hands up her sides to cup her breasts.

" Henry", Claire warned.

Yeah, he knew he was pushing it. They were at work. No one knew that they were together. They made sure that they didn't touch in a more then friendly way while they were there. But he just couldn't help himself. Everyday he fantasized about bending Claire over his desk and taking her.

Henry pressed himself more firmly against her, his fingers brushing over her nipples through her thin shirt. Claire's breath caught and she straightened, turning her head so that she could kiss him. Her fingers slid into the hair at the back of his neck as her lips teased his. Henry brought one hand up, slipped it into the top of her low cut shirt and into her bra where his fingers played with her hard nipple. Claire moaned against his mouth and ground her ass back against his extremely hard cock.

" I fucking knew it!", came Asher's victorious cry as the door slammed shut behind him.

Henry and Claire flew apart. Claire pressed both hands to her chest as her face flushed bright red. Henry shifted himself in his pants so he wasn't sporting a tent. Asher wore his shit-eatin' grin as he walked up to the other side of Henry's desk and planted his hands on it.

" I knew it! I knew you two were together!", He said smugly, looking back and forth between them.

" Did you even knock?", Henry muttered, dropping down into his chair.

" Fuck no, I've been trying to catch you two for months now", Asher snorted.

Henry rolled his eyes then glanced at Claire, who now had her arms crossed over her chest as she glared at Asher.

" I can't believe you guys, how could you not tell me?!", Asher snapped, his smile gone, anger filling his eyes.

" We didn't want anyone at the office to know", Claire said simply.

Asher narrowed his eyes at her, " I get that, but we're friends", he said, turning back to Henry.

" And you have a big mouth, you would have done or said something to out us", Henry said, raising an eyebrow, challenging Asher to disagree.

Asher opened his mouth to then snapped it shut. He straightened and crossed his arms over his chest, " Alright fine, you're probably right"

Henry snorted and shook his head.

" So how long has this been going on?", Asher asked.

" 4 months", Henry said.

" Asher, you can't say anything to anyone", Claire said seriously.

Asher sent her a dirty look, " I won't"

" Seriously, if you let this slip, I will fire your ass so fast...", Henry started.

" I get it! I won't say anything to anyone. Fuck", Asher grunted. " Are you ever going to tell anyone?", he asked after a moment of silence.

Henry shrugged, " I don't know, we'll see"

" Well, I'm glad that you two are finally together, you are definitely meant for each other", Asher murmured softly.

Henry gave him a grateful smile then shooed him out the door. This time Henry locked it after it was closed. He turned back to Claire, intent on living out his fantasy.