" Holy shit, that's a big tree", Came Christian's voice from behind him.

Henry glanced over his shoulder to see Christian and his best friend Shea Dempsey. Henry smiled and went to greet Shea, who he hasn't seen in at least a year. Christian and Shea have been friends since pre-school and Henry considered him a brother. Shea was the tall, dark and handsome type. His short hair was a dark chestnut, his eyes were a dark chocolate brown and he had build close to how Christian was built, lean and toned. He kept a short goatee, had since he started to grow facial hair.

" Shea, my man", Henry said fondly and pulled the shorter man into a big bear hug.

Not that Shea was short, he was 6'2, but he was shorter then both Henry and Christian.

Shea laughed and patted Henry on the back, " Good to see you too Henry"

" Where have you been?", Henry asked as they separated.

" I was in Europe with my family. I just got back yesterday", He said with a bright smile and a glance at Christian. Obviously he was glad to be back with his best friend.

" Nice, glad you're back", Henry said, giving him a pat on the shoulder.

" Me too, I missed you guys", Shea said with a warm smile.

" We missed you too, now get to work, I got a lot of shit to decorate before Claire and Ethan get back", Henry said, bending down to pick up a box of decorating to shove into Christian's arms.

" When the hell did you turn into a family man, Henry?", Shea chuckled, his brown eyes sparkling with amusement.

" Since I met the love of my life", Henry said with a wink.

" Good God, gag me with a spoon", Sebastian grumbled as he walked into the living room from the kitchen. He apparently came in through the garage.

Henry rolled his eyes as Sebastian greeted Shea and Christian. Sebastian was becoming really jaded. It made Henry sad that his brother had lost all faith in love. All women for that matter. They were now just things that he used to get off. Not that Henry could really blame him after what he'd been through. But it's been months and Henry had hoped that he would have gotten over it a little bit.

Quinn was last to arrive. He said hello to everyone and quietly grabbed a box and started helping Henry with decorating the tree. Always impassive, his brother Quinn was. Sebastian headed outside to put up some lights while Christian and Nolan started on putting lights up in the living room.

Within a couple hours, they had the place decorated and lit. Henry stood outside with his brothers and Shea looking up at the colored Christmas lights and strands of garland trimming his roof and windows. Henry smiled. Ethan was going to love it. They all headed back inside for a beer and to warm the fuck up. It was freezing out. Henry glanced at the clock in the kitchen. Claire and Ethan should be back any minute.

" I have something to tell you guys", Henry said, pulling the fridge open and handing out beers.

" What's that?", Sebastian asked, cracking open his bottle of Guinness.

" I bought Claire a ring, I was planning on proposing on Christmas eve", Henry said, actually feeling nervous about it. He knew Claire would say yes, but still...

Christian was first to react with a wide grin, " Congrats Henry", he said, giving Henry a hug.

" Congrats brother", Quinn murmured quietly, giving Henry's shoulder a squeeze.

Shea congratulated him and gave him a hug. Henry then looked at Sebastian. Sebastian was his best friend. Out of all his brothers, Sebastian was the one he was closest with. He wanted him to be his best man. And he would be upset if Sebastian wasn't happy for him.

Sebastian sighed, " What? You know I love Claire". Henry did know that, Sebastian and Claire were buddies.

" And?", Henry prompted.

" I hope you're not going to end up like me?", Sebastian winced, but his eyes were sparkling with amusement.

" Bastard", Henry grunted and sipped his beer.

" Don't fuck it up", Sebastian snarled, glaring a warning at Henry. And Henry knew that that was the closest he was going to get to a congratulations. Sebastian didn't believe in marriage and love anymore. So saying congratulations went against that.

" I'll try not to", Henry said dryly, rolling his eyes.

Claire was shocked when she pulled up the driveway. The house was lit up with colored Christmas lights that had Ethan squealing in the backseat. She pulled into the garage, got Ethan out of the car and headed into the house. She walked into the kitchen to find Henry, his brothers and a man she's never met standing around the island drinking beer.