" Okay. Is marriage going to be something you want eventually?", Claire asked quietly.

Henry's gaze softened and he slid his hand across the counter to cover hers, " Baby, I am looking forward to the day when I can call you my wife"

Claire's eyes stung with the threat of tears, " Henry", she whispered.

Henry laced his fingers in her and pulled her until she had to round the counter. Henry tugged her so that she stood between his spread knees. He cupped her face and kissed her lovingly on the lips.

" I love you", Henry murmured against her lips.

" I love you too", Claire breathed, kissing him again.

" So? Will you move in with me?", Henry asked, using his thumbs to stroke her cheeks.

Claire nodded, " Yes"

Henry smiled brightly, showing off those dimples that Claire thought were so cute. He then wrapped his arms around her and crushed her to his chest. His mouth slanted over hers, kissing her passionately. Claire's life couldn't get any better then it was at this moment.

Henry propped his fists on his hips as he tried to catch his breath. Christian was bent over, hands on his knees. They had just carried all of Claire's boxes of clothes up to Henry's bedroom. There were 5 of them and they were all filled to capacity, which made them heavy. Where she kept all these clothes in that little apartment boggled Henry's mind. Luckily, he had a huge walk in closet that had plenty of empty space. He wasn't a clothes whore like Christian.

" Thank God that was the last one", Christian panted as he straightened.

" Yeah", Henry agreed.

They headed out of the bedroom and down the hall where Henry had cleared out one of the guest bedrooms and painted it green like Ethan wanted. When he walked into the room, Sebastian was sitting on the floor putting a new shelving unit together for Ethan's toys.

" How's it going?", Henry asked.

Sebastian gave him a thumbs up without looking up from checking the directions. Henry smiled then followed Christian downstairs. The front door was open and Quinn was carrying in a box of toys. Ethan was sitting in the living room watching tv and Claire was in the kitchen making sandwiches for lunch.

Henry was in a ridiculously good mood today, couldn't stop smiling. Him and Christian went back out to the rented U-Haul truck to grab some more boxes. Claire had gotten rid of most of her furniture and kitchen stuff because she wasn't going to need any of it. So it was pretty much all clothes, toys, pictures, sentimental stuff and decorations for the holidays.

After carrying in the last of the boxes, they all headed into the kitchen for lunch. Claire had made turkey sandwiches with lettuce and tomato. They all sat around the table. Henry sat at the head, with Ethan on a booster seat on his right while Claire sat to his left. Sebastian sat on the other side of Ethan, Quinn sat next to Claire and Christian was at the other end.

Ethan had a hot dog, which he finished before everyone else. He turned to Henry when he was done. He pushed his chair away from the table and said, " All done, I get down Daddy?"

Henry froze, his eyes wide as he stared at Ethan in shock, his mouth full of sandwich. Sebastian started choking on his beer. Claire had gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. Christian and Quinn both stared at Ethan with their mouth gaping open.

Ethan didn't seem to notice that everyone was staring at him because he asked again, " Daddy, I get down?"

Henry slowly placed his sandwich down and pushed up from his own chair. He unbuckled Ethan and set him on the floor. Ethan said "Tank You" and ran off into the living room. Henry dropped back down into his chair and swallowed his food. He glanced at each of his brothers then Claire.

" He just called me Daddy...twice", Henry said, dryly.

Claire's eyes shimmered with unshed tears. Her hands moved down to cover her heart. " Well, you've been acting like his dad, so it would seem that he sees you as such"

" Congrats Pops, it's a boy", Sebastian grinned.

Henry was so taken back by the humor that he threw his head back and laughed. Everyone else joined in. Once the laughing quieted down. Henry reached over and took Claire's hand and kissed her knuckles.

" Is it alright with you?", Henry asked softly.

" Of course it is", Claire insisted.

Henry gave her a lopsided grin, " Love you"

" Love you too", Claire smiled.

Henry couldn't stop smiling. He never expected to Ethan to look at him in that manner. He always thought Ethan would be calling him Henry for the rest of his life. But he was totally okay with being called Daddy. He never thought he'd ever be a father. Had never really wanted to be one until he met Claire and Ethan.