" What the fuck was that?", Henry asked as Sebastian sat down next to him.

Sebastian rubbed his aching middle finger and shook his head, " Nothing, don't worry about it", he muttered.

" Sebastian, that was not nothing", Quinn said.

" Just sit down and shut up", Sebastian bit out.

His brothers sat.

" Dude, is she some kind of cop or something?" Christian asked.

" A detective", Sebastian answered.

A round of "Ah's" came from them and they didn't ask any more questions. Thank God. Sebastian really didn't need to be humiliated anymore then he already was. He glanced back at the detective to see that she was gone. Good. He hoped he never saw that bitch again.

Claire woke to the sound of Ethan’s squealing laughter followed by Henry's deep masculine chuckle. She smiled. Henry had let her sleep in. He never ceased to amaze her with his thoughtfulness. She couldn't remember the last time she got to sleep past 7am. She looked at the clock and her eyes almost bugged out of her head. It was 10am. Claire couldn't believe it. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. Claire then pulled the covers off and got out of bed. She went to the bathroom before heading out into the living room.

Henry was chasing Ethan around the couch, pretending to be a monster. Claire smiled and crossed her arms over her chest as she watched. Ethan was giggling while Henry roared. Henry then tricked Ethan by changing direction. He scooped Ethan up and tickled him. Ethan squealed and kicked and laughed.

This was exactly what Claire had hoped for her life. A man who adored her son and loved her like crazy. For the past three months, they've been a family. Henry had been staying with her and Ethan at the apartment. The only time he went home was for changes of clothes and to take care of his mail.

" Hey! Look Ethan, mommy's awake!", Henry called.

" Mommy!", Ethan cried excitedly.

Henry put him down and he ran to her. Claire picked him up and hugged him. Claire carried Ethan as she went to Henry for a kiss. " Morning", she murmured.

" Good morning, love", Henry smiled down at her.

" Thanks for letting me sleep late", Claire said.

" You are most welcome", he said and kissed her again.

" Did Ethan eat yet?", Claire asked.

" Yup, we had oatmeal with apples and cinnamon", Henry grinned proudly.

" Ooo, sounds yummy", Claire said, and looked at Ethan, " Was it yummy?"

" YEAH!", he yelled, throwing his arms up.

Henry and Claire laughed.

Since it was a Saturday and such a beautiful day, Henry suggested they go to the park. So after everyone was showered and ready, they left. Ethan had a great time. At around 1:00, they headed back to the apartment for Ethan's nap. Ethan wanted Henry to put him in bed. Henry was more then happy.

Claire was in the kitchen getting a drink when Henry returned. Henry sat on a stool at the island counter that separated the kitchen from the living room. He rested his chin on his hand and watched her move around the kitchen.

" What?", Claire asked with a smirk.

Henry shook his head and straightened up, " I want to talk to you about something", he said seriously.

" Okay", Claire said slowly as she walked over to the counter and stood opposite of him.

" You know I love you...", Henry started and Claire cut him off.

" You better not be breaking up with me", Claire said, frowning.

Henry looked at her like she was crazy, " Are you fucking insane?", he asked incredulously.

Claire laughed, " Sorry, go ahead"

Henry huffed, apparently not finding it funny at all. Apparently he had something serious to say. Claire watched him, a bit warily as he continued. " Anyway. I love you, and I love Ethan and as much as I like your apartment, I think it would be nicer for all of us at my house. Ethan could have a play room and a back yard and a pool", he said, his green eyes meeting hers, his apprehension at what she would say was very clear in his steady gaze.

" You want us to move in with you?", Claire asked softly. She had been waiting for him to bring up the subject for a couple weeks now.

" Yes", He said firmly, his mind made up. " I want you to get rid of this apartment and come live with me at my house. I want you and Ethan in my life forever"

Claire studied him for a moment, cocking her head slightly, " What would your mother think about us living together without being married?", she asked, they had yet to talk about marriage, but Claire had hoped that's where their relationship was headed.

" I don't give a shit about what she thinks", Henry grunted.