" You assholes can do whatever you want, but I'm not interested. My life is great without her in it", Sebastian said, sipping his new beer.

" That's cold Sebastian", Quinn murmured, eyes narrowed at him.

" Hey! You were not there and didn't hear the shit she said. Honestly Henry, I'm surprised at you, I thought you were on my side", Sebastian said, shaking his head in disgust.

" Don't even go there, you know I was just as pissed as you, but sometimes you got to forgive and forget. And I'm not saying I totally forgive her or trust her, but I'm trying to give her a chance to prove herself, that's fair", Henry argued.

" Well, I'm not ready to do that, so lets just drop it", Sebastian snapped.

Sebastian leaned back in his chair while his brothers moved on to talk about something else. He wasn't really listening. He scanned the crowd, looking for a chick he could possibly take home or go home with tonight. There was a group of four women at the bar, none of them were even remotely attractive. There were a bunch of tables with couples, a few groups of guys and one other table with a few girls who were waaaay too young for him. Although they kept glancing his way and giggling.

The front door opened not a minute later and Sebastian caught a flash of light blonde hair. He tilted his chair back to get a better view. The woman walking in had light golden blonde hair that was parted on one side and pulled back where it was tied at the back of her neck and rolled into a bun. Normally the severe hair would not be attractive. But the woman's face was stunning and the hair fit her heart shaped face.

Sebastian was all for the blondes. Victoria had been a brunette, so right now, they totally turned him off. This woman glanced back and forth, eyes scanning, as if looking for someone before heading over to the bar. She had on minimal makeup, just enough to accentuate her already beautiful features. Her eyes sharp and even at the distance he was at, he could see that they were light blue. She had a cute little nose and sinful bow shaped lips that were the most luscious shade of pink.

She was wearing a light gray fitted pant suit. Usually Sebastian would not find this at all sexy, but damn could this chick rock it. She had on a white blouse underneath the coat, which was unbuttoned at the neck but not low enough to show off any cleavage. She stood at the end of the bar, talking seriously to the bartender.

Sebastian got up, murmuring to his brothers that he'd be back and headed over to the bar. Sebastian sidled up next to the bombshell. He looked her up and down. She had on black pumps that were probably about 3-4 inches high. Even with the height of the heals, she only came up to his chin. So she was much shorter then he was used to. Victoria had been 5'10. Sebastian was 6'4, so her height had fit him perfectly. But this chick was something new. Even the other women he'd been with since Victoria had been taller.

" Hey sweetheart, can I buy you a drink?", Sebastian asked, interrupting her conversation with the bartender. He leaned his forearms on the bar to get closer to her eye level.

She turned to look at him, her face serious, her blue eyes hard and irritated. " You need to get out of my face", she snapped.

Sebastian smirked and he saw her eyes flare. " Oh feisty, I like it", he purred, glancing at her chest before dipping lower. That was when he caught sight of the badge clipped onto her belt.

" You're a cop, huh?", he asked, eyebrow raised as he reached out to finger her badge.

In the blink of an eye, she had his finger bent back so far that it almost touched his wrist. Sebastian cried out in agony as he was forced to drop to one knee. His free hand gripped the edge of the bar so that he didn't fall completely to the floor.

" I'm a detective and if you ever touch me again I will do more then bend your finger back, now get out of my face before I arrest you for obstruction of an investigation", she hissed merely inches from his face.

Sebastian yelped as she abruptly let go. He clamored back to his feet and clutched his battered hand to his chest. " Shit, you could have just said so instead of practically breaking my finger", Sebastian spat angrily.

She stared at him in disbelief. " Are you still standing here?"

Sebastian bit back a nasty retort. He was sure she would definitely arrest him if he said anything else. He glared at her for a moment before turning and heading back to his table. His brothers were all standing, expressions of shock on their faces. Shit, they saw the whole thing. Sebastian shoved his way through the tables. Dammit, he was pissed. And embarrassed.