" I knocked and even rang the doorbell, I knew you were home because I looked in the garage window and saw your car, so I just used my key, I'm sorry", Anne said, wringing her hands together.

Henry frowned, who was this person? Definitely not his mother. His mother would have had a fit about what she just walked in on. He hasn't seen or talked to her since that day when Sebastian ripped her a new one in the hospital. Maybe she changed. He hoped she changed. He didn't want to get married without his mother there. No matter how much shit she put him through, she was still his mother and he loved her.

" Why are you here so late?", He asked, going to the fridge for a bottle of water. " Do you want something to drink?"

Anne shook her head, " No thank you, I figured you would be home and I hoped to speak with you", she said softly.

Henry took a big gulp of water, set the bottle on the counter behind him then leaned against it. He crossed his arms over his chest and gave her a nod. " Okay"

Just then Claire walked back into kitchen. Anne eyed her warily. Claire walked over to Henry, she had taken off her heals so the top of her head only came up to his shoulder. " Hi", she murmured with a sexy smile on her face as she looked up at him.

Henry smiled, " Hey", he said warmly, tucking her hair behind her ear. He then looked at his mother, " Go ahead"

Anne opened her mouth then closed it before a pained look crossed her face, " I wanted to speak with you alone", she said.

Henry took a moment to consider it. He then grabbed the water bottle and handed it to Claire, " Here babe, you need to drink some water. Why don't you go upstairs, get changed and get in bed, I'll be up in a little bit"

Claire took the bottle, gave him a kiss then left the room without a word. Henry listened for his bedroom door to shut before turning back to his mother. She gave him a tentative smile and moved a bit closer to him.

" I've missed you", she said, her voice trembling as she gave him a watery smile.

Damn it, his mother never cried. How was he supposed to handle this? And he didn't want to say things he didn't mean. So he just kept quiet. He hadn't exactly miss her. She had been nasty to him and he had been pissed beyond belief with what she had said about Claire.

" I want to apologize", she started, watching Henry as if to gage his reaction.

Henry nodded and waited.

His mother paused, looking as if she was choosing her words carefully. " I have been selfish. I wanted to keep you boys close. Sebastian brought forth all my worst nightmares by moving across the country for a woman. A woman who I knew in my heart would hurt him someday. I wanted to protect you boys from being hurt. You all have grown into such amazing men and I just couldn't bare the thought of anyone hurting any of you. I know now how wrong I was and I hope that you can all forgive me", she said, tears running down her face.

Henry searched her teary gaze. He knew his mother could be manipulative so he was a bit hesitant to believe her completely. He thought she was being sincere. The tears definitely looked real as did the anguish on her face.

" I need more then just words from you mom, you need to prove to me that you've changed", Henry said quietly.

His mother nodded furiously, taking another step forward. She was only a foot away from his now. " I will, I'll do whatever it takes to have my sons back in my life"

Henry nodded slowly as he watched the hope light her eyes.

" One other thing", Henry said.

" Okay", replied his mother.

" Did you really mean what you said about Claire? And I want the truth", Henry asked, watching her warily.

Anne closed her eyes for a moment. When she opened them, he knew she was going to be completely sincere and open, " At the time, yes, I meant it. But now, after looking back, I believe she loves you deeply and would rather die then hurt you. That heart-wrenching sob she let out after the crash was enough to tell me that. But I was so blinded and so close minded that I hadn't seen it at the time, I just wanted you all for myself. I couldn't stand the thought of another woman taking care of you after such a horrendous event. You're my baby and I know you don't understand yet, but when you have your own kids, you will"