" Achy, I just took a Percocet", Henry replied as he went to grab the creamer from the fridge.

Claire nodded and turned back to the bacon and eggs that she was cooking. Henry fixed his coffee the way he liked then turned and leaned back against the counter. He took a sip of his coffee, watching Claire over the rim of his mug. He felt so blessed to be here with her and Ethan. So lucky to have the chance to be a part of their life.

When the food was ready, the three of them sat at the table to eat. Ethan sat in his booster seat across from Henry. Claire put scrambled eggs on Ethan's plate before scooping some onto Henry's and then her own.

" So are you going to tell me what happened with your mother yesterday?", Claire asked before crunching down on a piece of bacon. She looked gorgeous in the morning. No makeup, strawberry blonde hair up high in a messy bun, sweatpants and a t-shirt.

Henry sighed and poked at his eggs, " Sebastian totally freaked on her, told her to stay out of our lives. He was livid. I've never seen him that angry before", he said quietly.

Claire watched him warily, " What did you say?"

" I agreed with him", Henry snorted. " I need a break from all her sh...stuff. She said some nasty things about you and blamed my defense of you on the drugs"

" I can't understand why she doesn't like me", Claire huffed.

" It's not you, it's her. She doesn't like any women getting close to us. She thinks she'll lose us somehow if we're with someone"

" Well she lost you anyway", Claire murmured.

" Yeah, for now. I'm hoping she sees the error of her ways and apologizes", Henry said, taking a sip of his coffee.

Claire snorted, " Don't count on it, your mom seems pretty stubborn"

Henry nodded, " Oh she is, but I'm sure my dad is going to flip on her too, get her to think for once"

They talked a little more about Henry's mother, then moved on about work. They both decided it would be best to keep their relationship quiet at work. It would only complicate things for Henry when it came to having respect from his employees. They already had enough rumors going around about them, but they were just that, rumors. No one had any hard evidence and they weren't about to give it to them. So come Monday morning, they were going to go into work and act like they always did around each other. Friendly and professional.

Henry sighed as he sat behind his desk Monday morning. It felt good to be back. He hated being out of work. His whole routine had been screwed up. He needed to get back to business. Get back on his schedule. His ribs were feeling much better and he was even able to take the binding off. It was starting to bother him anyway. Everyone had been really nice when he walked in also. Asking him how he was and telling him they were glad he was okay and back.

A knock on his door almost had him groaning out loud. Already it was starting. But when the door opened and Claire walked in, his irritation fled. He smiled brightly at the gorgeous woman sauntering into his office with a coffee and bag of food in hand. Claire looked great this morning. She was wearing a modest but sexy royal blue dress that made her eyes pop. Her strawberry blonde hair was pulled to the side and a loose braid hung over her shoulder to touch the top of her breast. Thank god he was sitting behind his desk because his cock was liking the way she looked today. Well, everyday for that matter.

" Good morning Henry", Claire smiled gently, stopping in front of his desk to place his coffee and most likely a sausage, egg and cheese on an plain bagel, down.

" Morning, Darlin'", Henry grinned, reaching for his coffee.

" You have a shit-load to catch up on, so I scheduled a meeting with Asher in twenty minutes so he can catch you up", Claire said, in business mode. She was sexy in business mode.

" Okay", Henry said, taking a sip of his delicious coffee that Claire always fixed so perfectly.

" And I'm still going through your phone messages, and after that I'll start on your emails"

Henry nodded, grabbing the bag and opening it. He pulled out his sandwich and unwrapped it, taking a bite. He groaned and closed his eyes. " So good", he moaned.

Claire snorted, " Okaaaay, you enjoy that and I'll get back to you in a little while", she said as she turned and started for the door.

Henry watched her ass sway as she walked in her high heals. The dress hugged her perfectly shaped ass, an ass he's seen naked and bent over in front of him. If he didn't have a mouthful of food he'd probably drool. And damn her legs were so fucking nice. The dress stopped about mid-thigh. Not really short, but still showing off her amazing legs.