That's when Henry remembered, " Shit", he bit out.

" What?", Claire panted.

" Condoms, I don't have any, do you?", Henry asked.

" No, but I'm on the pill", Claire said.

Henry breathed a sigh of relief. He wanted to make love to her and that almost didn't happen. Henry settled on top of her, his hips wedged between hers. He reached down between them and positioned himself at her opening. He waited until Claire opened her eyes and looked at him.

" Ready?", Henry asked.

Claire nodded, " Yes, I want you so bad", she whispered.

" God, I want you too", Henry groaned then gathered her up in his arms as he started to push his way in.

Henry stared down at her while he worked his way inside of her. She was so tight. So tight. They were both gasping by the time he was fully sheathed. Henry dropped his forehead to Claire's shoulder and took a few deep breaths.

" You okay?", Claire breathed.

" Don't move or this will be over before I even get started", Henry grunted.

" Okay"

Henry got himself under control so that he could start moving. He pulled back slowly before thrusting forward. Claire let out a low moan. Henry started off slow but then picked up the pace. He pushed up onto his hands so that he could look down at the gorgeous woman under him. Her breasts bouncing with each thrust, her flushed cheeks, the look of ecstasy on her face. Henry looked down to watch himself gliding into her but had to stop or he was going to loose it.

Claire reached up and grabbed the back of his neck to pull him down. She kissed him hard, smothering a scream that ripped up her throat as she started to convulse around him. Henry couldn't fight it any longer, with a few final thrusts, he came, almost passing out from the intensity of it. He collapsed on top of Claire but kept his weight on his forearms so he didn't crush her. He buried his face in her neck while he tried to calm his racing heart. That had been the best sex he's ever had. Henry lifted his head to look down at Claire. Her eyes were closed, her lips parted.

Henry brushed a piece of hair off her face and kissed her softly. " I love you Claire", he said, his lips brushing hers.

Claire opened her eyes and smiled, then she kissed him tenderly and whispered, " I love you too Henry"

Henry smiled against her mouth before kissing her again, this time like his life depended on it.

Chapter 12

Henry woke to the smell of bacon and his ribs aching. He just might have over did it last night. He made love to Claire three times last night and it was totally worth going through a little pain this morning. She was incredible. Sexy and sensual. The sounds she made, shit, just thinking about it made him hard.

Henry rolled out of bed and grabbed his sweatpants off the floor. After yanking them on, he put his t-shirt back on. No doubt Ethan was up. Henry didn't want Ethan to see his battered ribs. Henry then saw his bag sitting in front of the dresser, Claire must have brought it into the bedroom this morning. He went over and grabbed his toiletry bag, which had his pain meds and toothbrush then he headed down the hall to the bathroom.

After brushing his teeth and going to the bathroom, he took one of his Percocet's to ease the pain in his ribs. Leaving his bag in the bathroom he shuffled into the living room where Ethan was watching Yo Gabba Gabba. Beyond the living room was the kitchen where Claire had her back to him where she stood at the stove. Henry smiled. This felt so right.

Walking up behind the couch, Henry bent down and gave Ethan a kiss on the top of his head. Ethan look up at him and smiled before looking back at the TV. Henry was no match for Muno and Brobee.

Henry moved into the kitchen where he sidled up behind Claire and wrapped his arms around her waist. He nuzzled his face into the side of her neck, making her giggle and squirm because he was tickling her. Damn, it felt good to be able to touch her like this. Whenever he wanted.

" Morning, love", Henry murmured, kissing her cheek.

" Morning", She smiled, turning her head for a kiss on the lips.

" How you feeling?", Henry asked.

" A little sore", Claire admitted, " But I'll be fine, I've just been out of the game for too long"

Henry chuckled and gave her a squeeze before going over to the Kuerig and picking out a dark roast from the carousel next to it.

" How are your ribs?", Claire asked, sending him a concerned glance over her shoulder.