" Do you need anything before I go?", Claire asked.

Henry lifted his gaze, " You're leaving already?", he asked, frowning with disappointment.

" I really need to get home to Ethan, I'm sure he's driving my dad crazy by now", Claire said, a regretful smile on her face.

Henry nodded, " Right. No, I'm fine, give Ethan a hug for me", he said giving her a small tired smile.

Claire watched him for a moment. " You want to come and stay with me for the night?"

Henry's eyebrows shot up, " Really?", he asked hopefully.

Claire smiled, " Really, I would feel better knowing that I would be there to take care of you too"

Henry smiled, " Seems like that's all you do, take care of me"

Claire shrugged.

" Okay, let me just go grab some stuff", Henry said, turning the TV off. He held out a hand for Claire to help him off the couch.

Claire took his hand and pulled him up. Henry grunted as he pulled up into a sitting position. He took a moment before getting to his feet. Claire waited while Henry repacked his bag with clean clothes. When he was ready, they headed to Claire's apartment.

It was around 8:30pm when they got to Claire's apartment. She unlocked the door and walked in with Henry right behind her. Her dad was sitting on the couch, watching TV. He looked up when the door opened. He smiled at her before his eyes flicked to look at Henry. Frank's smile widened slightly as he got up from the couch.

" Henry, you've been freed?", Frank teased as he shook Henry's hand.

Henry chuckled, " Yeah, thank god"

Frank's gaze landed on the bag in Henry's hand. " You staying?"

Henry nodded, " Claire wanted to be with Ethan, but she wants to make sure I'm taken care of too"

Claire's dad turned his warm, loving gaze on her. " That's my Claire with her heart of gold"

Claire flushed, " Dad", she whined, embarrassed.

Frank chuckled, " Ethan's sleeping, I'll head out, get out of your hair", he said, giving Claire a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

Frank then gave Henry a hug and a pat on the cheek before heading out the door.

" My dad really likes you", Claire grinned.

Henry smiled, " That's a good thing"

Claire nodded, " It is"

They stared at each other for a moment. They still hadn't talked about what this thing was between them. The kiss they shared had been amazing but it was brought on by strong emotions. Did Henry actually want a relationship with her? He hadn't given her any signs that he did.

As if he knew what she was thinking, Henry dropped his bag, closed the distance between them with a couple steps, grabbed her head and kissed her hard. Claire let out a shocked little squeak as she grabbed onto his t-shirt so she didn't loose her balance. Henry nipped at her bottom lip, letting her know he wanted in. Claire complied, parting her lips for him. Henry dove in, claiming her mouth with his.

Henry moved forward, backing Claire up until she bumped into her dinning room table. Their kiss was hot, needy, passionate and desperate. Henry grabbed Claire by her hips and lifted her onto the table. He then nudged her knees apart and pressed himself between her legs. Claire could feel the hard hot ridge of Henry's erection pressing against her core and she couldn't help but moan. Claire clung to Henry's shoulders as he bent her over the table until she was laying on it. She wrapped her legs around his hips. Henry drug his mouth down to her neck. He curled his hips forward, rubbing his erection against her. A groan escaped him.

" Henry", Claire panted, " Are you sure you're up for this?"

Henry ground his erection against her again, " What do you think?", he rasped.

Claire smiled then gasped when Henry's big hot hand slid under her shirt to cup her breast. His thumb brushed over her nipple causing her to arch up. He brought his mouth back up and kissed her again.

" You have...no idea...how long...I've wanted this", Henry murmured between kisses.

Claire moaned in response. She did know, because she was sure she had wanted it just as long.

Henry moved to pull her shirt off but then Claire remembered, " Oh Henry, hold on"

Henry froze, " What?", he asked, pulling back to look at her.

" We need to move to the bedroom, I don't want Ethan walking out here and getting an eyeful"

Henry smiled, " Yeah, that would be bad"

Henry straightened, pulling her up with him. Claire caught the wince that he tried to hide. She opened her mouth to suggest they wait but Henry shot her a look that told her not to argue, he wasn't going to change his mind. So Claire took Henry's hand and led him to her bedroom, where she shut and locked the door.