Anne's eyes widened slightly then narrowed on him. " I'm going to ignore that because you're on drugs and not thinking clearly"

Sebastian snorted from his post in front of the window.

" You two never listen to me...Just look where it got Sebastian, I warned him about Victoria but he married her anyway and look at him now, getting divorced after only 5 years", Anne said, her tone disgusted.

Sebastian whirled around, his eyes burning with fury. His nostrils flared and his jaw was bulging. Henry has never seen him like this. Henry was afraid of what Sebastian was going to say. Henry opened his mouth but Sebastian beat him to the punch.

" You are out of line", Sebastian growled, stepping closer to their mother.

Anne gave him an incredulous look that only seemed to infuriate Sebastian more.

" I don't want to hear another word about Claire. She's not the problem. You are. You're a condescending bitch and I'm so fucking tired of it. No one is ever going to be good enough for us in your eyes. Well guess what? You don't like it? Then stay the fuck away from us. Henry is happy with Claire and Ethan and they are good enough for him. The only person not good enough for us is you. You need to leave and I don't want to fucking see your face again. I'm so done with your shit and I don't need it in my life. And I don't want it in my brothers lives either. Leave us all alone, we'll be better off without you", Sebastian said, his voice low and almost deadly.

Henry stared at him in shock. Holy fucking shit! Sebastian just banished their mother from their lives! And no doubt he would enforce it. Sebastian was done. Henry could see it in his eyes. They all deserved a chance at happiness and honestly, with their mother around, they would never get to be completely happy in their relationships. She was always there nagging and needling. Henry needed a break too.

Anne stood there, staring at Sebastian as if she's never seen him before, " You don't mean that", she whispered.

" Yes, I do", he said evenly.

Anne looked at Henry, her eyes brimming with tears, " Henry?"

Henry would not feel guilty. " I love you mom, but I'm behind Sebastian on this, I need space"

Anne nodded, " Okay fine, you don't want to see me anymore, fine", she said, her voice trembling.

Henry and Sebastian watched as their mother grabbed her purse and stormed out. Henry blew out a breath and dropped his head back onto his pillow. He watched Sebastian run a shaky hand through his hair as he turned and went back over to look out the windows.

" You okay man?", Henry asked.

Sebastian shook his head, his hands gripping the sill. " Did I do the right thing?", he rasped.

" Yes, maybe having some time away from us will give her some perspective, make her see how she's been", Henry said.

" I think if she hadn't brought up Victoria I wouldn't have lost it like that", Sebastian sighed.

" Yeah, but she did. I think she needed to be put in her place Sebastian. And dad is on our side. He'll get her to open her eyes", Henry assured him.

Sebastian nodded, " I hope you're right, cause if not, I just tore our family apart", he said, his voice heavy with guilt.

" It'll be fine Sebastian", Henry said.

Sebastian just nodded then turned and smirked at Henry, " You just told mom that you loved Claire"

Henry smiled softly, " Yeah"

" Have you told her yet?"

Henry's smile fell, " No"

" What are you waiting for?", Sebastian asked curiously.

" I want to be able to show her that I love her, not just say the words", Henry said, flushing with embarrassment that he just admitted that to his brother.

Sebastian chuckled, " Aw brother, you're such a romantic"

" Fuck you", Henry grunted.

Henry got discharged later that night. All the tests came back fine and the CAT scan was clear. They had kept him overnight just to keep an eye on him with the concussion. Now he got to go home with pain meds and an order to take it easy for a week or so. Claire drove him home. Their ride to Henry's had been quiet. Henry slept most of the ride because of the Percocet's that he was now on. Claire also thought that he didn't want to go into details about the fight him and Sebastian had with their mother. But she knew it had been bad.

Claire followed Henry into the house. He slowly made his way into the kitchen from the garage. While Henry went into the living room, Claire ran his bag upstairs to his bedroom. When she came back downstairs, Henry was lounging on the couch, remote in one hand, the other was tucked behind his head. He flipped through the channels, stopping when he got to Pawn Stars. Claire walked over and stopped next to him.