" You're beautiful, no wonder Henry loves you so", Henry Sr. smiled softly, bringing a gentle hand up to cup her chin. " Don't worry sweetheart, everything will be okay", he whispered, brushing away the tears that started to fall.

Claire didn't know what to say. But she loved the man instantly. And now she knew where his sons got their handsome good looks from. Henry Sr. was gorgeous for an older man. His gentle smile and the laugh lines at the corners of his eyes just added to his charm. His hair was white and he was probably as tall as his sons.

" Come in and sit with us sweetheart, Henry tells me you have a son?", Henry Sr. asked, leading her over to the couch, sat her down then sat next to her.

Claire cleared her throat, " Um yes, Ethan, he's two"

" Henry loves him to death, talks about him all the time", Henry Sr. smiled, showing off his dimples that matched Henry's.

Claire nodded, getting choked up again. " Yeah, they really have grown close over the past few months"

Sebastian went over and sat with his mother, who was watching Claire. Claire had no idea what she was thinking because she hid it well. But the last time they'd been in the same room, they hadn't gotten along.

" Where is your son now?", Anne asked, her eyes narrowing on Claire from across the room.

" He's with my father, who watches him every Monday, Wednesday and Friday", Claire answered.

" What about Tuesday and Thursday?", Anne asked, eyebrow lifted in challenge.

" Daycare, he needs socialization time with other kids", Claire snapped, she now understood where Anne was going with the line of questioning. She was trying to find out if Ethan's father was in the picture. But now was not the time for it.

" Darling please, don't start", Henry Sr. chided his wife, giving her a sharp look.

Anne glared at him for a moment before pursing her lips and turning away. Sebastian gave Claire an apologetic look. What the hell was her problem? Did she not want her sons to have any women in their lives. Good thing Claire didn't give a shit about what she thought. But she could see how other women would just walk away, not wanting to be with a man because his mother was a bitch.

A phone rang, cutting through the tension like a knife. Sebastian jumped up and ran for the cordless phone, snatching it off the end table and smashing the call button. " Hello?!", he answered, panicked.

His eyes darted around, landing on each person in the room while he listened. Quinn and Christian came rushing in from the kitchen, both looking anxious. Claire watched as Sebastian asked " Are you sure it's him?", then whatever answer he got make him burst into tears. He pressed his fist to his mouth. Quinn gripped his shoulder as Sebastian dropped to his knees.

Claire covered her mouth and nose with her hands. She hated seeing Sebastian like that. Was it bad news that brought him to his knees? Or good? Sebastian choked out a "Thank You", then hung up. He dropped the phone and covered his face with both hands as he sobbed. Quinn bent over him, now holding Sebastian by both shoulders.

" Sebastian?", Quinn prompted, wanting to know what was going on.

" They found him, he's alive", Sebastian cried.

Relief smashed into Claire. Her whole body started to shake as the rest of the room erupted into cries of joy and tears. Henry Sr. wrapped his arm around her shoulders and gave her a squeeze and a kiss on the temple. Then he got up and went to his wife.

After everyone calmed down some, Sebastian relayed what the police told him. They found Henry clinging to his seat/floatation device floating about a mile down the river, the current having swept him away. Other then a mild concussion, some bruised ribs and being wet, he was fine and once he finished his statement, they were going to bring him home. The police were utterly dumbfounded that he wasn't killed or at least seriously injured. It was a miracle.

Chapter 10

Henry's ribs protested as the police cruiser came to a stop out front of his house. He stifled a groan and waited for the police officer to come around and let him out. He thanked the guy and shook his hand before starting up the walkway. He could make out the walkway but it was blurry since he lost his contacts during the crash. He was about halfway to the front door when it opened and his family poured out. His mother reached him first, of course. His mother refused to let his hand go as he hugged his father and brothers. All of them with tears in their eyes.

Henry blinked away his own tears. He just had the most horrendous experience of his life and it had shaken him to his core. He wanted to get inside his house and call Claire, who was probably a mess. He just let go of Christian, who moved to the side, revealing a blurry Claire who was standing behind everyone, tears streaming down her gorgeous face. Henry started forward but was stopped by his mother's grip tightening on his hand.