How could she go one without him? He had become her best friend. Oh God, how was she going to tell Ethan?! Claire sobbed again. The pain in her heart radiated through her whole body. She hadn't even had the chance to tell Henry that she loved him. He couldn't be gone. He just couldn't.

Claire sat at her desk just staring at nothing. Asher had left her about a half hour ago and she hadn't moved since. She didn't know what to do. She didn't know what to think. He said nothing had been confirmed but she was afraid to hope. Because if he was gone and she had had some kind of hope that he was alive then she'd be devastated all over again.

Claire's cell phone rang. She started then scrambled to pull it out of her purse. She answered it without looking at the screen. " Hello?", she answered, her voice breathless.

" Claire", came Sebastian's voice, low and trembling.

" Don't...don't say it", Claire choked.

" Baby, I'm sorry, but it was Henry's plane", Sebastian said, his voice pained.

" Is they...did they find him?", Claire sobbed, covering her mouth with her hand to try and muffle it.

Claire could hear Sebastian crying on the other end, which broke her heart even more. " No, they haven't, they've recovered the pilot and co-pilot, neither of them made it"

" Are they sure he was on the plane? Maybe he missed the flight?", Claire said, swiping at the tears running down her face.

" No, they confirmed that he was onboard", Sebastian replied hoarsely.

Claire felt numb. She couldn't handle this.

" Claire, why don't I come get you and bring you back here, you can stay with us while we wait for news", Sebastian offered quietly.

" Okay", Claire croaked. She couldn't focus on work anyway, " I'm at the office"

" I'll be there as soon as I can", Sebastian promised and hung up.

Claire hung up her phone and fought not to break down completely. She felt like her heart was being ripped out of her chest and stomped on until it exploded. She had no idea that time had even passed until Sebastian walked into her office. He looked horrible. His expression grim. His green eyes bloodshot and puffy. His blonde hair disheveled.

" Anything new?", Claire asked as she stood and grabbed her purse.

Sebastian shook his head and held his arm out. She sniffed and walked over, tucking herself under his arm. Sebastian was her buddy. Like the brother she never had. And she was grateful for his comfort even though he probably needed it more. Sebastian walked her out, the whole office watching as they went. Claire didn't care. She only cared about Henry. She prayed to God that he was still alive.

Sebastian brought her back to Henry's house, where the rest of his family had gathered. Not really the way she wanted to meet his father and other brothers, but whatever. Sebastian introduced her to his brothers Quinn and Christian first, since they were in the kitchen she they walked in.

Claire shook hands with Quinn first. He gave her a tight smile and a firm handshake. He was a gorgeous man, tall and built, like Henry and Sebastian. His hair was a bit darker though and his eyes were a chocolatey brown and framed with long dark lashes. He also had a short neatly trimmed beard, giving him a rugged look. Christian was next. He was tall, thin and toned, built more like a soccer player. Claire could tell he was the youngest, he still had a bit of a baby faced look about him. His hair was longer then the rest of them, a bit shaggy, falling down over his forehead, but was swept to the side. It was blonde like Henry's, but he too had brown eyes. He was just friggin adorable.

The air was thick with grief as Claire followed Sebastian into the living room where his mother Anne and father Henry Sr. were sitting on the love seat. Anne was tucked neatly under Henry Sr.'s arm, her head on his chest, a tissue held up to her nose. Claire could see the tears running down her face as she walked in. Anne lifted her head when she noticed someone enter. Her eyes widened slightly when she saw Claire. Her expression confused.

" Claire, you know my mom Anne, and this is our father Henry Sr., dad this is Claire, Henry's ah...friend and personal assistant", Sebastian murmured. He still had his arm around Claire's shoulders.

Henry Sr.'s eyes softened and warmed as he stood to greet her. He started forward, his hands outstretched, " So this is the girl that finally stole Henry's heart, huh?", he said, his voice warm and loving.

Claire frowned as he took her hands and kissed her knuckles. Sebastian snorted behind her and mumbled something like " Yeah, but the idiot never told her".