Ethan put down his crayon and held out his arms for Claire. Claire lifted him up and grabbed a diaper out of his bag. Claire took Ethan into Henry's private bathroom and changed his diaper. Once she was finished Ethan went back to Henry. Claire shook her head as Henry plopped Ethan back down in the chair.

" You're okay with him Henry?", Claire asked as she headed for the door, knowing the answer already.

" We're fine", Henry replied, already back to coloring.

Claire chuckled and went about her work for the next two hours. Then Claire had to take Ethan because Henry had a meeting to go to and Ethan needed a nap anyway. She set up Ethan's sleeping bag on the floor in the darker corner of her office and laid him down with his turtle pillow pet and Mr. Henry Monkey. He fell asleep almost immediately. Claire used the time to go through Henry's voicemails and emails.

After Ethan's nap, he went back to Henry, where they pretty much played the rest of the day. The office was buzzing with gossip about Claire and her relationship with Henry. People had been shocked when she walked in with Ethan. She heard a rumor going around that Claire had slept with Henry a couple years ago and that Ethan was really Henry's son and that Claire was hiding that fact from him. That was also the reason Henry treated her so differently. People were ridiculous sometimes. Claire rolled her eyes more times today then in her entire life.

At the end of the day, Claire headed to Henry's office to get Ethan. When she walked in, they were sitting on the floor rolling a ball back and forth. Claire smiled. God, they were so cute together.

" I hate to break up the fun, but it's time to go home Ethan", Claire said.

" No!", Ethan cried, his bottom lip trembling.

Shit, this was going to be a fight. " I'm sorry sweetie, but we have to go home, Henry has to go home too"

" I go Henwee", Ethan whined, his eyes filling with tears.

Claire's heart broke for her son. She knew he loved Henry if he wanted to go home with him. " Ethan, you can't go home with Henry", she said, using her gentle but firm tone, letting him know that it really wasn't going to happen no matter how much he cried.

" I go Henwee!", He screamed and kicked his feet.

Henry watched him, his expression was one of torture. He obviously didn't want Ethan so upset. Henry glanced at her and opened his mouth to speak but Claire shook her head. She knew he wanted to suggest they come to his house but she didn't want to go back on what she decided, it would only cause more problems later with Ethan. Henry snapped him mouth shut and got to his feet.

Ethan cried and screamed for a good five minutes on the floor before getting up and running to Henry. Ethan held his arms up, crying Henry's name. Henry looked at Claire, silently asking permission. Claire gave him a nod. Henry blew out a breath he had apparently been holding and picked Ethan up. Ethan wrapped his arms around Henry's neck and clung to him for dear life. Henry rubbed his back, frown firmly in place.

" How do you deal with this all the time?", Henry murmured.

Claire shrugged, " It's part of being a mother"

" It's heartbreaking", Henry croaked.

Claire nodded, " I'm used to it, but I understand"

" What should I do?", Henry asked, still rubbing Ethan's back and now he was swaying side to side to try and soothe the little boy in his arms.

Ethan had already started to quiet down, which would be good for Henry, " When he's done crying just explain to him that you'll see him another day"

Henry nodded, his expression telling Claire that he was struggling to deal with this. Claire knew that Henry really hasn't been around many kids, so he had no idea what they were really like. But it was okay. Henry was doing a fantastic job. And it was mostly due to the fact that he loved Ethan.

A few minutes later, Ethan was done with his fit. Henry took him over to his desk chair and sat down with Ethan on his lap. He grabbed a tissue and had Ethan blow his nose. Then he lifted Ethan and sat him on the desk so that they were eye level. Claire was shocked by Henry's natural fathering ability.

" Did you have fun today Ethan?", Henry asked.

Ethan nodded, frowning around the finger in his mouth.

Henry smiled warmly, " Good, so did I, but it's time for you to go home with your mom, okay? But don't worry, I'll see you soon and we'll play, alright?"

Ethan nodded again.