" I'm so sorry Henry!", Claire cried in horror, burying her face in her hands.

" It's alright Claire, you weren't in the right frame of mind", Henry murmured softly.

" No! It's not alright!", she choked as the tears started to fall. This was the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to her. And that wasn't bad enough. She had to do it in front of her boss and his brother.

Claire felt the bed shift next to her, then Henry pulled her hands away from her face. Claire turned her head, unable to look at him. Henry took her chin in his fingers and turned her face towards him. She still couldn't look at him though. Henry used his free hand to brush some of her tears away.

" Claire look at me", he said, his voice hoarse.

" I can't", Claire hiccuped, then sniffed.

" Yes you can, come on", Henry coaxed, ducking his head to catch her gaze.

Henry's green eyes met hers and there was nothing in them that she had expected. She figured that she's see pity and disgust. But his gaze was warm and caring and concerned.

" Nothing you did makes me think any less of you. It wasn't you yesterday, it was the effects of the drug in your system", he murmured, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

" I feel like a fool Henry", Claire sobbed softly, closing her eyes.

Henry cupped her face in both his big hands, " No, Claire", he breathed, kissing the tears rolling down her cheeks. " No Darlin', you're not a fool, don't say that", he whispered, his lips brushing the corner of her mouth.

Henry's thumbs stroked her cheeks. He drug his lips further over hers. Claire held her breath, hoping he'd kiss her more fully. She needed him right now. Needed his comfort. Even if they never kissed again. Henry pressed his warm soft lips more firmly against hers. Claire sighed and melted into him. Her hands grasping his t-shirt to keep him close.

But Henry pulled back before the kiss could go any further. At least he didn't look happy about it. But she understood. They really couldn't have a relationship. Not if she wanted to keep working for him.

" Your dad should be here with Ethan soon, why don't you hop in the shower?", Henry murmured, backing up some more.

Claire sighed. If her dad had kept Ethan overnight then Henry must have told him what happened.

Henry read her mind because he said, " He had called shortly after you fell asleep, I told him what happened...", Henry caught her wince and smirked, " Not everything, I just told him about your date giving you ecstasy and that you were really out of it"

Claire blew out a relieved breath, " Thank you Henry, I owe you big time", she said.

Henry shook his head as he got off the bed, " Nah, we're even, you took care of me while I was sick, I took care of you while you were on drugs", he shrugged, a glimmer of humor in his eyes.

Claire couldn't help the laugh that bubbled up her throat. It was really funny once she could look past the embarrassing factor of it. Henry smiled then leaned over to press a kiss to her forehead.

" I'm going to call Sebastian to come pick me up", He said and headed for the door.

Claire watched him go. The man was just absolutely amazing. Not only could he have let Zack take her home, but he could have taken advantage himself. Claire knew that he was a good man and would never do that. But it was nice to know for a fact anyway. She pulled the sheet off and grabbed her robe. She slipped that on before heading out of her room to the bathroom to get a shower before her dad showed up with Ethan.

Chapter 8

Henry had just walked into his office when his cell phone started ringing. He fished it out of the inside pocket of his suit jacket and looked at the screen. Claire. His heart fluttered. Dammit. It was Monday and he hadn't seen or heard from her since he left her apartment yesterday morning. Henry swiped his thumb over the screen to answer it then put it to his ear.

" Hey Darlin'", He answered, setting his briefcase down next to his desk.

" Henry, I have a problem", Claire sighed.

" Okay, what's that?", Henry replied, sitting down and booting up his computer.

" The daycare called and said that they have to close today because of plumping problems and my dad his helping one of his friends move, I have no one to watch Ethan", Claire said, clearly frustrated.

" Hmm...bring him to the office, I'm sure he'll be fine", Henry said.

" Are you serious?", Claire asked slowly, like she wasn't sure if he really just said that.