" I...I can't", Henry rasped.

" Sebastian", Claire whined, " You want me, don't you?"

Sebastian swallowed hard, his mouth was dry as he forced himself to lie, " No"

It was then that Henry started shoving him out of the room. When they were both out in the hallway, Henry shut the door then leaned back against it, a death grip on the doorknob. Sebastian shoved his hands into his hair then paced down the hallway some.

" God damn, Henry! She is stacked", Sebastian breathed.

Henry shook his head and squeezed his eyes shut, " I'm seriously seconds away from loosing it here, can you not say shit like that right now?"

" Sorry", Sebastian muttered.

Claire's moans drifted through the closed door. Apparently she was taking care of herself. Which was fine by Sebastian. Maybe she would pass out when she was finished. Henry shoved away from the door and made a bee line for the kitchen. Sebastian followed, needing to get away from her noises too. Henry found a bottle of vodka on top of the fridge, opened it and took a swig. He grimaced and took another sip. After the fourth swig, Sebastian grabbed it off of him and put the cap back on.

" Getting drunk is not going to help, you need to stay clear headed", Sebastian said, putting the bottle back on top of the fridge.

" I want her so fucking bad", Henry rasped, gripping the edge of the counter in front of him.

" I know, I'm not going to lie, she's turning me on too, but we both know that neither of us are going to do anything while she's on drugs", Sebastian said calmly, giving the back of Henry's neck a squeeze.

Henry nodded, " Can you just stay with me until she passes out?", he asked.

" Sure", Sebastian agreed, knowing that his brother needed him to keep him grounded.

Claire groaned and blinked open her eyes. But the light coming in front the windows was so bright that she had to cover her eyes with her hands. What the hell happened? She remembered going out to dinner with Zack, but then it was all fuzzy after that. She shifted slightly and realized that she was in just her bra and panties under the covers. Shit! Had she slept with Zack? She couldn't remember a thing. That's when she heard a light snore. Claire bit back a groan. She was such a slut.

Claire clutched the blankets to her chest and sat up. When she looked at the man laying in bed next to her, she was shocked out of her mind to see that it was Henry. He was laying on top of the covers in jeans and a t-shirt, arms folded over his chest. His blonde hair was mussed and his jaw was covered in stubble.

What the fuck?

" Henry?", Claire rasped, her throat dry. Jesus, how much had she had to drink?

Henry snorted as he came away with a jolt. He looked around for a second like he was trying to figure out where he was. Then he saw Claire and sat up, looking at her warily and a bit concerned.

" Hey, how do you feel?", Henry asked, his voice gravelly from sleep.

Claire brushed her hair back from her face, " Okay, I guess, what happened? Why are you here?", she asked, so confused.

Henry pushed back to lean against the headboard. He scrubbed his face with his hands then looked at her again, his expression was guarded, making Claire nervous. Henry hadn't looked at her like that in months.

" Do you remember anything?", Henry asked.

Claire closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead, " I remember going out to dinner, but after that everything is fuzzy"

Henry's lip lifted in a snarl. Claire frowned. " That's because your date gave you ecstasy", he sneered.

Claire gasped, " What?!", she screeched.

Henry nodded grimly, " Do you remember telling him you had a headache and he gave you an aspirin?"

Claire searched her brain then slowly nodded, " Yeah", she said slowly.

" That was the ecstasy", Henry said.

Claire's mouth worked but nothing came out. How could Zack do that to her?! " It looked like an Alieve, I didn't think twice about it. He's a doctor"

" A doctor who was desperate to get into your pants", Henry grunted, his eyes sparkling with anger.

" So how did you come into the picture?", Claire asked.

Henry spent the next fifteen minutes telling her what happened at the bar and when him and Sebastian brought her home. Claire was now mortified and was definitely going to have to quit her job. There was no way she was going to be able to look at Henry everyday after offering to have a three some with him and Sebastian. And she kissed him! She really wished she remembered that. She had been dying to kiss him since she first met him and now that she had, she couldn't remember.