" Listen asshole, you're not going to take her home. I know what you want and it's not going to happen. She's too drunk to think straight", Henry said, going Zack a pointed look.

Zack looked at him in disbelief and whispered viciously, " Are you serious? You're gonna cockblock me, man? What the hell do you think the point of coming here was?"

Henry saw red. He stood with Claire still firmly against him. Henry's face must have showed how furious he was because Zack dropped Claire's hand and took a couple steps back. Sebastian too was now standing, a murderous expression on his face. Claire turned in Henry's arms and tucked her face against his neck. Her hands wondered over his chest and stomach.

" Mmm, so hard", she murmured.

Henry jerked in surprise when her mouth opened on his neck and she started licking and nipping his skin. Claire pressed herself more firmly against him, her body practically vibrating. What the hell was she doing? Henry let out a yelp of surprise when Claire shoved her hand down the front of his pants.

" Claire!", Henry choked and grabbed her wrist, yanking her hand back out.

Zack's eyes widened slightly and the color drained from his face, giving Henry a bad feeling.

Claire moaned and rubbed herself against him, still kissing his neck. Henry fought a shiver. Her lips and body felt amazing against his, but something was wrong. Even drunk, he didn't think Claire would do this.

" Touch me Henry", she breathed.

Henry glanced at Sebastian, who was frowning down at Claire. He knew something was up too. They both turned back to glare at Zack. " What did you give her?", Henry bit out.

Zack swallowed hard and shook his head, " N-nothing".

" You're a horrible liar", Sebastian drawled.

Henry shoved Claire into Sebastian's arms. He couldn't take her touching him anymore. He was hard as a rock and having a hard time thinking with her hands all over him. Claire didn't seem to mind. She immediately latched onto Sebastian's neck and shoved her hands up his shirt. She murmured something about feeling so fucking good that had Henry gritting his teeth.

" What the fuck did you give her?!", Henry shouted, gripping Zack up by his lapels.

" I-I gave her some e-ecstasy", Zack stammered.

" Did she know what you gave her?", Henry asked through clenched teeth.

" She thought it was aspirin. She said she had a headache right after we sat down", Zack admitted.

Claire moaned behind him. Henry glanced back to see Sebastian running his hands up and down her back. He was watching Henry though. Henry could tell he was uncomfortable and turned on. What guy wouldn't be with a gorgeous woman rubbing all over him? Claire still had her hands under Sebastian's shirt and she was still sucking on his neck.

Henry turned back to Zack, ready to beat the shit out of him when the pretty little bartender walked up to them. " What's going on here?", she asked, planting her hands on her hips.

" He gave my friend ecstasy, telling her it was an aspirin", Henry ground out.

The bartender's eyes flashed angrily. " You're going to have to kick his ass outside", she snarled.

Henry grinned, but it was more a barring of teeth, " With pleasure", he growled and shoved Zack out the door.

Henry got in the backseat of his car with Claire. Sebastian got behind the wheel and headed to Claire's apartment. Claire could not sit still. She was rubbing her thighs together, moaning and withering. Her hands were all over her body and Henry was slowly loosing his sanity.

" Fuck Sebastian, I don't know how much more of this I can take, drive faster", Henry groaned, shifting his achingly hard cock in his jeans.

" I'm going as fast as I can, man", Sebastian grumbled.

" How long is she going to be like this?", Henry asked. He had no idea, he never did drugs. Well, he smoked pot a couple times when he was younger but that was it.

" Shit, I'm not sure, I only did E once and I was 19. I think it lasted about 8 hours", Sebastian winced.

" Fuck!", Henry bit out and raked his hand though his hair. Claire then unlatched her seatbelt and crawled across the seat to climb into Henry's lap. " Jesus Christ Claire! You need to sit and buckle up!"

Claire sat on his lap, facing him. She cupped his face in her hands, touching her nose to his and stared into his eyes. " So green", she breathed, freaking him the fuck out.

Henry grabbed her by her upper arms and pushed her back so that he could look at her. " Claire, baby please sit in your seat", he begged, trying to move her back into the seat next to him.

But Claire wouldn't budge, instead, she shoved her hands into his hair and kissed him. Henry's cry of surprise was smothered by her mouth. His hands flailed for a second then grabbed her arms again. He tried pushing her away but her hands tightened painfully in his hair. Henry tried, shit he tried so hard not to kiss her back, but her tongue ran across the seam of his lips and he was lost. Henry opened his mouth to her and Claire took full advantage.