" Hi", Ethan chirped when he saw that Henry was awake.

" Hi buddy", Henry murmured sleepily and ruffled Ethan's hair.

Ethan clamored off of Henry to let him stretch and sit up. Ethan bounced on his knees next to Henry, who rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He looked up to Claire looking as gorgeous as ever standing at the end of the bed, bright smile on her beautiful face, her arms crossed over her chest.

" Henwee, I make dis for you", Ethan said, holding up a piece of red construction paper.

Henry took it and looked at it. Claire had written Get Well Henry at the top of the page while Ethan scribbled in different colors underneath. Henry glanced at Claire, who was watching with complete adoration on her face. Then he looked over at Ethan, who was just beaming.

" This is the best gift anyone has ever given me, thank you Ethan, it makes me feel so much better", Henry said sincerely, giving Ethan a soft smile.

Ethan flung his arms around Henry's neck. Henry wrapped his arms around the little boy who just made his whole year. How could he have ever thought he didn't want kids? The love he felt for this little boy was unimaginable. Especially since he's only seen him once before. But there seemed to be some kind of connection between them. Just like him and Claire seemed to have some kind of special connection.

He's always felt different about her. He's never treated her the same as his other assistants. From the first moment he laid eyes on her, he knew she was different. She was kind and caring and beautiful and sexy and she's grown to actually mean something to him. Especially after this week. But what could he do about it? Nothing, if he wanted her to remain his assistant.

Ethan let him go and sat on Henry's lap, facing him, " Henwee, you come park with me?", Ethan asked, his big blue eyes hopeful.

" Ethan, I told you, Henry might not feel well enough to come out yet", Claire said gently, moving forward to his side of the bed.

Henry brushed Ethan's hair off his forehead, " I think we can go to the park", he smiled.

Ethan bounced, " Yay!", he exclaimed, clapping his hands.

Claire sat down on the bed next to Henry's hip, facing him. She placed her hand on his thigh, " Are you sure you're feeling up to it?", she asked quietly.

Henry patted her hand, " I'm feeling pretty good, I think I can go out"

Claire nodded, " Okay"

Henry turned back to Ethan, " Let me get a shower and something to eat then we can go, okay?"

Ethan nodded excitedly and climbed off of Henry's lap. Claire gave his thigh a squeeze, drawing his attention.

" Are you sure?", She asked quietly.

Henry nodded, " I'm good", he murmured, slipping his hand over hers.

Claire's hand was soft and warm under his. Henry met her blue gaze. They searched each other's eyes for a moment. Something passed between them. Something Henry couldn't think about right now. There were too many complications that he didn't want to deal with.

Claire took Ethan downstairs to the kitchen to wait for Henry to get a shower and get ready. She sat Ethan down at the table where he played with the toy car he brought. Claire then went about making breakfast for Henry and Sebastian, who was sure to show with the smell of bacon.

It didn't take long for Sebastian to shuffle into the kitchen in a pair of sweatpants. He yawned, stretched and scratched his bare chest. His blonde hair was a mess and his face was covered in stubble. Sebastian was a fine looking man, almost as gorgeous as Henry.

Sebastian gave her a tired smile and a kiss on the cheek, " Morning lovely", he murmured.

Claire gave him a soft but confused smile at his affection. He didn't seem to notice since he saw Ethan sitting at the table. Sebastian started towards him, " And who is this little guy?", he asked with a smirk.

" My son Ethan, Ethan this is Henry's brother Sebastian, can you say hi?", Claire prompted.

" Hi Bastian", Ethan said, ducking his head shyly.

Sebastian swung his head around to look at Claire, " You have a kid?", he asked, shocked.

Claire nodded. Sebastian stared at her for a moment before turning back to Ethan. " Uh, hey little man, what's up?", Sebastian said and sat down next to him.

" Nothin", Ethan shrugged, running his car over the table before glancing over at Sebastian to study him. " You wook wike Henwee", Ethan said to Sebastian, who smiled.

" That's because we're brothers", Sebastian replied.

Claire smiled as the two started chatting about cars. She had just finished cooking a big pan of scrambled eggs when Henry walked into the kitchen dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. Claire couldn't help but stare. His hair was still damp and his face was clean shaven. And he looked fantastic in his worn jeans and vintage t-shirt. Henry came up behind her and looked at the food over her shoulder. She could feel the heat from his body, he was that close.