" Why? Why do you have to do something?", Sebastian demanded.

" I can not stand by while some bitch rips my sons heart out and gets away scott free! She's not going to mess with my family thinking that no one will say anything to her. She needs to know that what she's doing is wrong!"

Claire remained silent where she stood at the sink. She wasn't even sure if they knew she was there. Henry had said on many occasions that his mother was overbearing and always in their business. Well Claire was seeing that first hand. And she felt horrible for Sebastian.

Sebastian looked about ready to hit something. His jaw was clenched and bulging, Claire was surprised that she hasn't heard his teeth cracking. His nose was flaring and his eyes were rimmed with unshed tears. Damn Anne, she was really doing a number on him. Claire couldn't take it anymore.

Claire filled a glass with water and grabbed the ibuprofen. She walked over to Sebastian and held them out, " Sebastian, can you please bring these to Henry?"

Sebastian's green eyes flicked to hers. He took the glass and pill bottle as he blinked, the tears slipping down his cheeks, his face closed off as he turned and headed out of the room. Claire watched him leave, knowing that when she turned back to Anne, she was going to get an earful.

" And just who do you think you are?!", Anne squawked.

Claire sighed and turned to face the older woman. " I'm sorry, but he's heartbroken right now and doesn't need you getting involved", she said softly.

Anne sputtered, " You think I don't know that my own son is heartbroken?!"

" I'm sure you do Mrs. Beck, but I don't think you can see how much you're hurting him with what you're saying"

Anne's eyes flashed, " Oh you've got a lot of nerve! How dare you tell me what to say to my son!"

" I'm not telling you what to say, I just think it'd be better if you didn't say anything at all, other then being supportive of his wishes", Claire frowned. This was not going well.

Anne stared daggers at her for a few moments before turning, grabbing her purse off the counter and storming out of the house. Claire was shocked. She expected to have to argue with her some more to get her to understand. But she didn't know if this was a good or bad thing. And she didn't know how Henry was going to take it.

Henry was just returning to his bedroom from using the bathroom when Sebastian burst through his bedroom door. He had a glass of water in one hand and a pill bottle in the other. He had tears running down his face and he kept sniffing. Damn, mom must have got a hold of him.

" Hey, you alright?", Henry asked gently, going over and taking the glass and pills from him.

Sebastian covered his face with his hands as soon as they were free and shook his head. " She wants to call Victoria"

Henry groaned, " Fuck"

" Your woman fucking saved me, she told me to bring you the glass and pills then threw herself to the shark", Sebastian said in awe, wiping the tears from his face.

Henry stared at Sebastian, " You left Claire with mom?", he asked dryly.

" She saved me", Sebastian whispered, his eyes wide.

" Jesus Christ", Henry bit out, raking a hand through his hair.

" Claire is amazing, you know that right?", Sebastian murmured.

Henry climbed back in bed, his body still achy and tired, " I do know"

" I think she cares for you", Sebastian said quietly.

" We're friends", Henry sighed, closing his eyes, wishing they were more then that.

" No, I think she really cares for you, like more then a friend", Sebastian replied.

Henry had no reply. Nothing could be done about it anyway. She worked for him. He didn't date people who worked for him. It was extremely unprofessional. Even if she was totally perfect and absolutely gorgeous. And made him chicken soup.

" I approve, just so you know, I think she's perfect for you", Sebastian said quietly just as Henry drifted off to sleep.

Henry was woken by his bed being jostled. He'd been out of work for a week just like Claire had said. He was finally starting to feel better but it was now Saturday. Claire had spent the whole week taking care of him, making sure his fever stayed down and making sure he ate and drank enough. She was amazing just like Sebastian said. And Henry was falling for her hard. Henry heard a little giggle as a small body climbed all over him. Henry smiled. Ethan.

Two small hands cupped his cheeks, " Wake up, Henwee", Ethan whispered.

Henry could hear Claire stifling a laugh by the end of the bed. Henry cracked open his eyes and was met by the cutest little boy he's ever seen. His mop of blonde curls and big blue eyes were enough to melt even the hardest of hearts.