" Oh, there you are", came his mother Anne's voice as she entered the room.

Sebastian stifled a groan and hung his head. Lifting his head back up, he looked at his mom as she walked into the living room. " I thought you were torturing Henry"

" Ha ha, very funny. He's got that little twit up there with him and apparently doesn't need me", Anne sneered.

Sebastian felt his hackles rise. He liked Claire. And he liked Claire for Henry. She was good for him. He would not let his mother ruin another one of Henry's relationships. For whatever reason, his mom was especially prickly when it came to the women Henry brought around. She ran off every woman that Henry brought around. Sebastian wasn't going to let her do that with Claire.

" Claire is sweet, she cares about Henry and Henry cares about her, you should at least give her a chance", Sebastian said, trying to keep his tone light.

His mother gave him a dry look that pretty much said "Yeah right" before changing the subject, " So what are you doing here my darling son? Why didn't you tell me you were coming? And where is Victoria?", Anne asked, looking around as if she expected Victoria to walk into the room at any minute.

Sebastian raked a hand through his hair. " She's not here"

His mother raised a curious eyebrow at him, " Really? You two usually don't go anywhere without each other"

Sebastian shrugged.

" How long are you staying?", Anne asked, her eyes narrowing on him.

Shit, shit, shit! He had to tell her. No matter how much he didn't want to. " Mom, sit down, I've got something to tell you", he mumbled.

Anne set her hands on her hips and pursed her lips. She wanted to argue, he could tell. But she eventually went and sat on the wing back chair that sat across from him. " Okay, what is it?"

Sebastian put his iPad on the couch next to him then turned to his mother. " Victoria wants a divorce", he sighed.

Anne sputtered and shot up out of her chair. " What?!", she screeched.

" She's been cheating on me with some male model named Julian and she wants to be with him, not me, so she wants a divorce", Sebastian said.

Anne's face turned red, her fists clenched at her sides, " That bitch!"

" Yeah, that's what I said", Sebastian snorted.

" You told her to forget it right? That you won't divorce her?"

Sebastian frowned, " Uh no, I told her to send me the papers asap"

" Sebastian! How can you just give her what she wants so easily? At least make it hard for her!", Anne snapped, stomping her foot.

Sebastian shook his head, " No, I just want it done and over with, I don't want to see her again, I just want her out of my life"

" This is unacceptable!"

Sebastian sighed and stood up. " It's not up to you mom", he said and started for the kitchen. And of course his mother followed, jabbering on about how he needed to make this hard for Victoria, for him not to give in so quickly, blah blah blah.

Claire took Henry's empty bowl and glass back down to the kitchen. She rinsed them and put them in the dishwasher. She jumped when she heard Sebastian let out a sharp curse before stomping into the kitchen with his mother in tow.

" See, this is why I don't tell you shit!", Sebastian snarled.

" You can't let her get away with this Sebastian", Anne snapped.

Sebastian rounded on his mother, " What the fuck do you want me to do?!", he cried, gesturing wildly with his hands, " She doesn't want me anymore, I can't make her love me!"

The pain on Sebastian's face was almost too much for Claire. She wanted to go over and hug him, tell him it would be okay. Claire looked to Anne, hoping she would see what this conversation was doing to her son. But Anne looked furious, her light green eyes sparking with anger. Which Claire understood. Someone hurt her baby and she wanted revenge.

" Call a lawyer, take her for everything she's got, she made you move out there and...", Anne argued.

" No!", Sebastian snapped, cutting her off, " No, I just want to forget about her, I don't want some long drawn out divorce, I just want it done and over with", Sebastian sighed heavily, shoving both hands into his blonde hair and closing his eyes.

" Well, I'm going to call her and give her a piece of my mind", Anne said furiously, her fists balled at her sides.

" You will not", Sebastian bit out, his head snapping up to look at her, " Do not call her, just let it go", he pleaded.

" Damnit Sebastian", Anne barked, stomping her foot, " I have to do something!"