" There's no way you're comfortable here", Claire said, still stroking his hair.

His jaw was shadowed in a couple days worth of stubble now. His eyes had dark circles under them. He just looked sick. " The floor feels good", he sighed.

" Please Henry, I hate seeing you laying on the floor", Claire pleaded.

Henry made a noise low in his throat, but he started to roll over. Claire watched and waited as Henry got to his hands and knees. His head hung down and he was breathing heavy. He must really be feeling weak.

" Fuck", he breathed.

Claire bent over and took hold of his upper arm. With her help, Henry was able to get to his feet. He stood there for a few moments, panting. Henry opened his eyes to look down at her for a moment, his green eyes glassy. He turned and shuffled slowly back out to his bedroom, with Claire's help. He groaned as he climbed into his bed and curled up in his side, his back facing her.

Claire smoothed her hand over his hair. He sighed heavily and settled into the bed. Claire continued to stroke his head until he fell back to sleep. Henry snored slightly. Claire smiled softly down at him. Something inside her shifted. She was never going to look at Henry the same way ever again. She was falling for him and falling hard. She never knew she could fall for someone without so much as a kiss. But she knew what she was feeling and there was no stopping it.

Henry woke to someone calling his name and giving his shoulder a little shake. Henry sucked in a deep breath and rolled into his back. He stretched, arms above his head. Then sighed as he relaxed. He definitely wasn't as achy as before, which was good.

" Henry", came Claire's voice from his right.

Henry cracked an eye. He could see her sitting next to him on the bed but she was all fuzzy. Henry rubbed his eyes then opened them again. He could see Claire a bit better now, but she was still a bit blurry. He then remembered that he didn't have his contacts in or his glasses on.

" Hey", he murmured sleepily.

" Hi", she said with a sweet smile, " Do you think you could sit up and drink some Gatorade? You really need to get hydrated"

Henry nodded and slowly sat up, he scooted back until he could lean against the head board. He raked a hand though his hair, which was thoroughly disheveled, then scrubbed his face with both hands. He then realized that he was only in his underwear. In front of Claire. His personal assistant. Jesus Christ. This gave a whole new meaning to the term personal assistant.

Henry opened his eyes again and looked at the gorgeous woman sitting on his bed next to him. If she was in any way uncomfortable about the situation, she didn't show it. And he definitely would have been able to tell because Claire had the most expressive face he's ever seen. And the most beautiful. With the sweetest smile.

She handed him a bottle of the red Gatorade with a straw. Henry sipped it, praying his stomach didn't rebel. He hated throwing up and he really didn't want to do it again. He waited after taking a few sips. His stomach didn't protest to he took a few more sips and waited again. All the while, Claire watched him. Her blue eyes warm and caring.

" How long have I been sleeping?", Henry asked, his voice sounding like he chewed on some gravel.

" About three hours since I've been here", Claire replied.

Henry frowned, " You've been here for three hours?"

Claire nodded, " Someone's got to take care of you, Sebastian doesn't seem to know how, checking in on you isn't enough", she said with a frown of her own before giving a pointed look to the bottle in his hand.

Henry raised an eyebrow, " I thought I was the boss?"

" Yeah well, not right now you're not", Claire snorted, " Drink"

Henry smirked and took another sip of his drink.

" Do you feel any better?", Claire asked, her concern clear on her face and in her eyes.

Henry nodded, " Yeah, a little, definitely not as achy"

" Good, I think your fever's gone too", she murmured, placing the back of her hand against his forehead for a moment. She then stood, " Why don't you get a shower? I have a pot of soup on the stove that I need to check on"

" Soup?", Henry coughed, almost choking on his Gatorade. Claire made him soup?!

" Yeah, chicken soup, is that okay? I could make you something else", Claire said.

Good Lord she was amazing. Henry shook his head vehemently, " No, no, that's fine, I just didn't think you would cook me soup", he said, brows furrowed.