" He'll probably just pop in every now and then to make sure I'm breathing, other then that...", Henry trailed off with a shrug, " I'll be fine Claire really, I don't want to keep you away from Ethan"

Claire smiled softly, she reached out and ran her fingers through the hair just over his ear, " Thank you Henry, but I'm worried about you and how high your fever is"

" I'm a big boy, I can handle it", Henry said gruffly.

" I'm not going to win this argument, am I?", Claire sighed.

" Nope", Henry smirked, half his face buried in his pillow.

" Fine, I'll go, but I'm calling a cab", Claire said and turned to go.

Henry's grip on her hand tightened, " Like hell you are, take my car, I insist"

" Henry...", Claire started, but Henry cut her off.

" Claire, take my car, seriously", Henry said, his tone stern. Claire knew not to argue when he sounded like that.

" Fine", she huffed. Claire leaned down and place a kiss on his temple, " But I'm coming back tomorrow"

Henry smiled and nodded. Claire gave his hand a squeeze then let him go. Claire glanced back before walking out of the room. She had a feeling that she was loosing her heart to that man.

Chapter 5

Claire showed up at Henry's house at 9am the next morning. She walked into the house through the garage like yesterday. The door led into the kitchen. She walked in to see Sebastian standing at the counter drinking a cup of coffee while messing around on an iPad, in his boxers. And said boxers were yellow with a smiley face on the front of them. Claire rolled her lips in to stop from laughing out loud.

Sebastian was built just as nice as his brother, all hard bulging muscle covered in smooth skin. Sebastian was more tanned though and covered in tattoos. Tattoo's covered both arms from shoulder to wrist, there was a tattoo on each side of his chest and both of his sides. Then on the front of each hip it looked like he had a gun tattooed, but it disappeared into the top of his boxers. She was positive that he had more on his back too. Sebastian looked up at her just as he was taking a sip of his coffee. He froze, his eyes widening slightly over the rim of his mug. He almost choked as he hastily took a sip of his coffee.

" Claire! What are you doing here?!", Sebastian choked, swiping a hand over his mouth.

" Checking in on Henry, nice boxers by the way", Claire snickered.

Sebastian gave her a dirty look before taking another sip of his coffee.

" How's Henry doing?", Claire asked, she hadn't been able to sleep well because she was worried about him.

Sebastian sighed and raked a hand through his disheveled blonde hair, " He was up all night, puking his guts up, he hadn't been able to keep anything down, I'm getting worried about him becoming dehydrated", he said, his jaw tight with tension.

" Shit, that's the most common reason people get hospitalized with the flu", Claire murmured quietly.

" I haven't gone in there since 3am, so I don't know if he's gotten any better or not", Sebastian grunted, taking another sip of his coffee.

Claire nodded and started for the stairs, " Thanks Sebastian"

He replied with an "Mmm hmm"

Claire headed up the stairs then down the hall to Henry's room. She knocked then popped her head in. She called for Henry, but he didn't answer. Claire walked in and shut the door behind her. She moved farther into the room, the bed coming into view, but Henry wasn't in it. Claire headed for the bathroom.

The door was open, giving her view of the sink. She stepped into the bathroom to find Henry sprawled out on his back in front of the toilet, a fine sheen of sweat covering his bare skin. Claire's heart seized.

" Henry", she breathed and rushed over to him.

She knelt down next to him and touched his chest, which was sticky with sweat. He was flushed and burning hot. She had no idea if his fever had broke then come back or if it never broke at all. Henry hadn't even flinched when she touched him. His lips were parted and his breathing a slow and steady. She hated to wake him up but he really shouldn't be sleeping on the floor in the bathroom.

" Henry", She said, and tapped his cheek.

Henry sucked in a sharp breath as his eyes fluttered open. " Huh?", he grunted, his unfocused eyes landing on her.

" Hey Henry, how about we get you back in bed?", Claire asked softly, stroking his hair back from his sweaty forehead.

" I'm fine, leave me alone", Henry grumbled, his eyes sliding closed again.