Page 47 of A Well-Read Woman

20. Letter from American consulate in Zurich to Ruth Rappaport, April 28, 1939, personal documents, RRC, USHMM.

21. Letter from Ruth Rappaport to Carl Rubinstein, May 1, 1939, personal documents, RRC, USHMM.

22. Miscellaneous letters from summer 1939, personal documents, RRC, USHMM.

23. Letter from Chaja Rappaport to Dr. Bertha Keller, September 27, 1939, Ruth Rappaport file, SHEK.

24. RR diary, outline of trip on loose sheet, undated.

25. Ruth Rappaport, “Curriculum Vita,” circa 1958, RRC, USHMM.

26. RR oral history, USHMM.


1. RR diary, December 16, 1939.

2. RR oral history, USHMM.

3. RR diary, December 16, 1939.

4. RR oral history, USHMM.

5. RR oral history, USHMM.

6. Email from Ruth Rappaport to Sig Cohen, February 7, 2008, Sig Cohen personal collection.

7. Harry Schneiderman, ed., “Statistics of Jews,” in The American Jewish Year Book 4 (Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America, 1941), p. 661,; Molly Cone, Howard Droker, and Jacqueline Williams, Family of Strangers: Building a Jewish Community in Washington State (Seattle: Washington State Jewish Historical Society, 2003), p. 234.

8. Seattle city directories; Mark Rubinstein, in discussion with the author, July 13, 2013.

9. Advertisement for Helena Rubinstein Salon, Seattle Times, April 8, 1934, p. 13.

10. RR oral history, USHMM.

11. Mark Rubinstein, in discussion with the author, July 13, 2013.

12. Census records, 1940.

13. Seattle city directories, 1937–38.

14. RR diary, December 16, 1939.

15. RR diary, December 16, 1939.

16. Michael Rubinstein, in discussion with the author, April 27, 2017.

17. RR diary, December 17, 1939.

18. Email from Ruth Rappaport to Sig Cohen, February 7, 2008, Sig Cohen personal collection.

19. RR diary, December 17, 1939.

20. RR diary, December 17, 1939.

21. RR diary, February 9, 1940.