Page 63 of A Well-Read Woman

45. Ann Kelsey, interview conducted by Steve Maxner, Vietnam Archive, Texas Tech University, March 27, 2001.

46. Vietnam Vets Reading Survey, conducted by author, 2013–2014.

47. Book reviews for Once an Eagle on,

48. Vietnam Vets Reading Survey, conducted by author, 2013–2014.

49. The title of this book is Ambush: The Battle of Dau Tiang.

50. Comment by Anonymous [Joe Hudson] on the post, “Vo Nguyen Giap, 1911–2013,” October 4, 2013,

51. Emails from Joe Hudson to author, January 26 and 28, 2014.

52. Nell Strickland, in discussion with the author, September 7, 2013.

53. Email from Ann Kelsey to author, January 26, 2014.

54. Ann Kelsey, interview conducted by Steve Maxner, Vietnam Archive at Texas Tech University, March 27, 2001.

55. Requests for construction, March 17, 1970, RG 472, Special Services General Records, box 3, folder “Library Buildings Damaged w/ Plans to Rebuild,” NARA.

56. Darro Wiley, in discussion with the author, February 22, 2014.

57. Email from Floyd Zula to author, May 2, 2013.

58. Ruth Rappaport’s Official Personnel Folders, NARA.

59. Ruth Rappaport, “The USARV Library Program—In Retrospect.”

60. Lee Dreyfus Report, March 1972, RG 472, Special Services General Records, box 1, folder “Lee Dreyfus Report,” NARA.


1. Ruth Rappaport’s Official Personnel Folders, NARA.

2. John Y. Cole, America’s Greatest Library: An Illustrated History of the Library of Congress (Washington, DC: Library of Congress, 2017), p. 158.

3. John Y. Cole, “The Library of Congress & the Library Community: Bicentennial Background,” Library of Congress (website),

4. “History of the Library of Congress,” Library of Congress (website),

5. Kay Elsasser, in discussion with the author, May 11, 2013.

6. The Annex Building was later renamed the John Adams Building, and the Main Building was renamed the Thomas Jefferson Building.

7. Thompson Yee, in discussion with the author, May 8, 2013.

8. Ruth told Peter several times about her work with the Delta Collection, although other sources indicate that it was fully recataloged by the time Ruth started her job. She may have continued the regular cataloging of pornographic and other sex-related materials. See Roy M. Mersky and Michael L. Richmond, “Treatment of Sexually Oriented Magazines by Libraries,” in Sex Magazines in the Library Collection: A Scholarly Study of Sex in Serials and Periodicals, A Monographic Supplement to the Serials Librarian 4, 1979/1980 (New York City: Haworth Press, 1981), p. 51.

9. Departmental & Divisional Manuals, no. 18–18A (Library of Congress, 1951),;view=1up;seq=5.

10. Departmental & Divisional Manuals, p. 44.

11. Melissa Adler, Cruising the Library: Perversities in the Organization of Knowledge (New York City: Fordham University Press, 2017), p. 82.

12. Mersky and Richmond, Sex Magazines in the Library Collection, p. 51.

13. Letter from George to Ruth Rappaport, February 23, 1972, Peter Bartis personal collection.