“Are you for real right now, Alex?” I asked, mocking his gesture, my hands gripping my hips.

“Bye, Vi,” he said, giving up so easily I had to add fuel to the fire.

“I’m sure she’ll forgive you. Just buy her something!” He paused in the doorway and then kept walking.

Looking at the message again, I quickly let it go as a flutter of excitement raced through me.

RHYS: I want a kiss. Meet me at the club at 8. Green.

Hmmmm, green had been good to me so far. As a matter of fact, I was terrified of the pain tonight’s escapades might induce, no matter how mild. I couldn’t wait to see him. Wait.

I sat on the edge of the bed. I couldn’t wait to see him? My phone rang in my hand and I jumped at the intrusion.

“Hi, Mom.” I blushed as if she knew what I had been up to.

“How’s my baby?” I grinned. I loved the sound of her voice. It took me back to a better place and time.

“I miss you, Mom.” My voice trembled, surprising me, and I shook my head to dismiss my sudden emotion. This had to be PMS.

“What’s wrong, baby?” she asked. I heard her walking and a door close behind her. Though my father and I were close, she never revealed anything said in confidence between us. I had an amazing friendship with her my whole life. My best friend in the world was my mother. I had a few close friends growing up, yet there were times we were at odds, even years we couldn’t connect. Now that I was older, that wasn’t even a possibility. I was an only child who had been both spoiled and disciplined.

“Mom, I’m divorcing Alex. You know I’ve been unhappy—”

“I know,” she said quietly.

“You know?”

“Honey, I was prepared for this statement the day of your wedding.”

I sat stunned at her admission. “What? You are telling me now you knew it wouldn’t work out?”

“Yes. I knew he couldn’t make you happy. I’m sorry, baby. I thought about it a hundred times then realized it was better not to tell you. I guess I was hoping I was wrong.”

I knew my mother loved me with everything she had. She would never intentionally keep something from me to hurt me. I probably wouldn’t have heeded her warning anyway.

“He’s been unfaithful,” I said, then bluntly added, “and now so have I.”

“Not surprised about him, but, baby, you too?”

“It’s recent. He’s been unfaithful for over a year, I think.”

“Well, baby, I know I’m not supposed to say this, but honestly, what’s good for the goose. When is this happening?”

“Soon. I haven’t asked him for one yet, is that weird?”

“You will when you’re ready. What’s the hurry? The damage is done and paperwork is just that, paperwork. Don’t you let him have that house. I know how much you love it! Why don’t we get together this week? Or better yet, pack a bag and come and stay with me. We can have one of our weekends.”

“I’ll be over Friday. You have a date.”

“I love you, baby. Just remember who you are and take her with you. The worst thing you can do is lose a piece of yourself to this because of him.”

“I think I’m in the middle of doing just that, Mom. Kiss Daddy for me. I’ll see you soon.”

Who knew? I thought my mother loved Alex. I would go home this weekend and be my mother’s daughter. It may be just what I needed.

But tonight, I would be Rhys’s student, and I couldn’t wait.

I took a ridiculous amount of time getting ready. I wore a long red skirt and white blouse, finishing the look with my new black and white checkered heels with a red sole, courtesy of Alex’s new American Express. I thought it was a nice touch. Tara greeted me and told me Rhys was running late and would be along shortly. She rounded the bar, which was slow, and kept me company, pouring us an insane amount of drinks in a short amount of time. We laughed until we cried and the more drinks that went down, the closer Tara got. Instead of beating around the bush, I asked her directly.