“This is awesome. Thank you so much,” I said, my voice shaky.

“This is us. Good or bad. Butt ugly or not,” he said as he deadpanned, “I may have to brown bag your head and get you from behind tonight.”

“NOT FUNNY!” I said, offended, as he laughed. He cupped my face and pulled my swollen lips to his. I couldn’t help but laugh with him.

He pulled back as he chuckled. “Told you I can be a prick.”

I walked through the market picking up various items to cook for Rhys tonight. We had the house to ourselves and I wanted to do something special for him. The last few months had been amazing, and though my skills were rusty, there was no time like the present to remedy that. I smiled when I found the aisle that carried his favorite bath salt. I reached for it when I heard a voice behind me.


I didn’t bother to turn and look at the source of the voice. No good would come of it.

“What do you want,” I hissed.

“Nothing,” she said passively. “I just thought I would come over and see how the happy couple is doing.”

“Ask Rhys,” I said, facing her head on and gasping at the sight of her. The whole left side of her face was purple and swollen. Her lips were busted and I saw a small amount of dried blood in the corner.

She completely ignored my reaction to her. I had no doubt her condition was a direct result of her sick fetish. “So tell me something,” she said, trailing her pointer on the box of salt I was holding in my hand. “Do you think you satisfy him?” Her eyes were icy as she tried to regard me calmly, though there was nothing but contempt in the air between us.

I ignored her question and stepped past her. She gripped my arm painfully, forcing me to confront her.

“Sandra, I won’t let you do this or anything for that matter. No matter how hard you try, you’ll never come between us. Whatever you’re thinking, give it up. We are too strong and you won’t succeed,” I said confidently.

“I’m well aware you’re the woman he wants. What I can’t figure out is why,” she said, studying me.

“Maybe because I’m nothing like you,” I said, ripping my arm away.

“Maybe, and maybe you are just better at playing the game.”

“And just what the hell is that supposed to mean?” I asked, taking an intrusive step toward her.

She smiled at my irritation. “Oh, come on, Violet. We both know you came after me. You found out about Alex and me and went after Rhys. He may not have figured it out, but I have. I took your family away so you—”

“No, Sandra, you gave me my family. It was never a game for me. I’m not a sick bitch like you. I don’t thrive on other’s misery. I didn’t have to play with his emotions to get him to love me. I didn’t have to manipulate my way into anyone’s life. I won your game without ever picking up the dice. Deal with it. I’m nothing like you.” I watched her wheels turn at my admission. “By the way, I heard through Alex’s parents that he moved to Atlanta with his best friend Chris. Sorry for your loss.”

I smiled as she stood speechless. “I’ve got to get going now, Sandra. I have to go home to cook dinner for my Dom. You know how it is, supper and reruns before I let him tie me up and fuck me. And don’t worry, Sandra, whatever he practiced on you, I can assure you he perfected on me.” I smiled sweetly as I handed her the bath salts.

“Looks like you could use this more than us. Take care.” I walked out of that store, certain we would cross paths again one day. But no matter what, I’d be ready for her.

I drove my route home, loving the way fall crept in on the heels of summer so subtly. I reveled in the crisp feeling of the season’s air as I rolled down my window and welcomed it, a smile on my face. It’s arrival brought the realization of how much had changed since I’d last taken notice.

A year ago, I was completely miserable, unable to please a husband who no longer loved me and left me unfulfilled. And close to becoming another divorcee who sat on a shrink’s couch and whined about her husband’s inadequacies.

I stepped out, hurt, afraid, insecure, and scared.

The bravest thing I ever did was take a chance and step out of my comfort zone to experience what I knew I was missing. The smartest thing I ever did was go with my instinct about Rhys and force him to give me another chance. The hardest thing I’d ever done was ride out the aftermath of my failed marriage, hoping for a silver lining.

I now lived in that silver lining.

I had been crazy to think I could replace my reality and live in a fantasy with something else. Rhys tried to keep his from me. He’d wanted to protect me, to keep as much of the fantasy as possible just as I’d needed to be disillusioned. Because, in the end, that’s all there is...reality.

My knight in shining armor was a sex-crazed, ex-Dom that carried a diaper bag. But he was also a smart, sensitive, and sexy man who loved me. I wasn’t the damsel in distress I had led myself to believe. I was worth more and capable of much more than I imagined. Rhys helped me embrace it, while Alex tried to rob me of it. In the end, I realized the people I surrounded myself with determined the quality of my life.

I loved my reality. I loved my silver lining. I smiled hearing the ping, knowing the source of my message.

RHYS: Pussy here, NOW!